Pre- op preparations.....
Hi, I am scheduled for the OPEN RNY on March 28th. I am off work the week before and want to use this time to get things prepared to make it easier for my husband and I when I come home. I am cooking food for him and saving it in the foodsaver and freezing it. I am also pureeding food for me and freezing it also. 2 Questions: 1). I was thinking about preparing jello ahead of time and adding the "any whey" protein to it. And making my own Cyrstal Light protein pops in the freezer. So that the few things I can get down after the surgery will have added protein in it. Does the protein retain its quality if prepared ahead of time.? and 2). How long can you store jello? ..... I read that so many can only drink water or eat jello in small amounts after the surgery.... i dont want to fall behind on my protein..... any other suggestions for me as far as prep goes....????
Relax! I know you're excited! I had my surgery on 3/7/05 and I had pre-op anxiety to the max. The most important thing to have organized is your vitamins. Here is a quick list of pre-op stuff my surgeon told me to prepare:
1) Get a chewable, sugar-free mulitivitamin and start taking it NOW!
2) Get some BIOTIN (300 mcg) and start taking it twice a day to prevent hairloss (you will continue to take it for 6 months to prevent hairloss)
3) Get some chewable TUMS with calcium and start taking it twice a day
4) Carnation Instant Breakfast (Carb Options) (5 - 12 gms protein per serving)
5) Lactose free, fat free milk
6) Baby sippy cups
7) A Bathrobe with pockets (for the hospital to carry your "drain" around in)
8) Fat-free, sugar free yogurt (5-6 gms protein per cup)
9) Sugar-free popsicles
Your pouch will be so small, the first two weeks post-surgery that you will only be able to sip your protein.
I had so much trouble getting my protein in the first two weeks that I had a horrible case of dumping where I had to force myself to throw up one Saturday because I forced it down too quickly.
I ordered these high protein, ready made drinks from
I just got them today - so I will let you know how they taste.
Also, ask you husband to be respectful of the fact that you are recovering from surgery and initially, some food smells may make you nauseated - my husband was grilling BBQ chicken during my second week post-op and I had a fit. LOL.
You sound like me pre-op!
Protein needs to be added right before eating, I hear, otherwise it loses it's "proteinability" or whatever. So don't add it until you are ready to eat it. I think Jello lasts a week in the fridge, longer in freezer. Feel free to freeze jello in ice cube trays.
You won't be able to eat pureed foods for a few weeks or so, so no need to do that now, but if you want to go ahead. Freeze it.
I had RNY and was up on my own at home making stuff without a problem. It only hurt when I sat down, got up, turned over in bed, etc. But walking and cooking was fine.
PRE-OP buy the following:
~ Flinstones Multivitamin with Iron chewable
~ Viactive Calcium Chews or Tums Chewables
~ Protein Mix (suggest Whey - soy is too gritty and icky)
~ Isopure bottles of punch (found at health food stores)
~ Sugar Free Carnation Instant Breakfast
~ Sugar Free Jello gelatin
~ Chicken/Beef Broth/Bouillon
~ ITALIAN ICE - found in frozen section of grocery store
~ Skim Milk (to mix with CIB)
~ Lite Yogurt (Blue Bunny is low in sugar)
~ Campbell's cream of ______ soups (avoid tomato - too acidic)
~ Malt-O-Meal - add butter and salt for flavor
~ Grits (I prefer instant cheesy kind)
At hospital, all you need to bring is
~ Your own pillow (theirs are flat and I used theirs to cuddle)
~ Baby spoon to eat with
~ Water bottle to sip out of 2nd day on **** chips 1st day)
~ Chapstick
~ Hairbrush
~ Book (I brought one but didn't have chance to read it)
Hospital will provide you with
~ Slippers/socks for feet
~ Another hospital gown to use as robe
~ Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, lotion, etc.)
~ Food/Drinks, medication, vitamins, etc.
I didn't have drainage thing because I had laproscopic. Don't pack too much stuff to hospital because you won't need it all. You'll either be sleeping, up walking, eating or going to the bathroom all the time and the time you are awake, you wont' feel like delving into a good book. (I didn't.)
Hope this helps.
Darby and Trisha,
Thanks! I'm a week away from surgery and also in the *last week preparations* stage, and it's got my head whirling. I went to the local GNC yesterday and got so confused on the supplements and vitamins, etc. that I just bought a big jar of Designer Whey and left. I think it just overwhelmed me, and I'm not usually overwhelmable! Your checklists are just what I needed to get back to being organized. Thanks!
Any preference on your supplements? I ordered a *sample pack* from to taste-test a few, hoping there would be a few I like.
thanks again,
All of that other stuff aside. I can tell you the most valuble thing you will need is a recliner when you get home. I didn't have one and could not get comfortable anywhere in the house. I was so tired. The next day I sent my husband out to the Lazyboy showroom to get me one. It's the only thing I really needed! It's all been uphill since then! Good Luck!
Hi JULIE !!!!
Well, finally a good reason to wear the thing !!! I am afraid I loaned mine out and it returned broken. (oh gee) and now I do not use it. So that wont help me at all. But I would LOVE to get over the anesthesia sooner. I felt so sick to my stomach after my gall bladder surgery. I am PRAYING that I do not have the same nausea as I did before.