Preparing for the surgery.....practical stuff
Hi, I am scheduled for the OPEN RNY on March 28th. I am off work the week before and want to use this time to get things prepared to make it easier for my husband and I when I come home. I am cooking food for him and saving it in the foodsaver and freezing it. I am also pureeding food for me and freezing it also. 2 Questions: 1). I was thinking about preparing jello ahead of time and adding the "any whey" protein to it. And making my own Cyrstal Light protein pops in the freezer. So that the few things I can get down after the surgery will have added protein in it. Does the protein retain its quality if prepared ahead of time.? and 2). How long can you store jello? ..... I read that so many can only drink water or eat jello in small amounts after the surgery.... i dont want to fall behind on my protein..... any other suggestions for me as far as prep goes....????