12 days post-op
Hi Dawn
Yes this is very common I to suffer from this as well. Partially its recovering from the surgery and I agree with the last poster. Focus on your water and start your day with grape juice or part of a 100% juice bar this has helped me. Congrats and I hope this will be our only complication.
Lisa H. (Bakersfield, Ca.)

Every time I am able to do a little more, I need the next day to recover. Some nights I am so wiped out I can barely walk up the stairs to go to bed. I think it takes time for the body to adjust again after surgery. I am patiently waiting for all my energy and then some to come back. But for now I listen to my body if I need to rest I do. It'll be nice when my body catches up with my mind which wants to go, go, go. Good luck to you!
hello , my name is karen i am in richmond,va well first of all are you taking your b12 like u should that is what helps give you energy as well are you walking like you should?, and 3 are you do your deep breathing also with your spurmitor you have to do all that to gain your strength back iam only 4days post op