Surgery Monday 3/21!!!
OK - I thought I was handling this pretty well but now I'm starting to have some anxiety. I'm very prepared for the surgery and know that this is the best tool for me to have a healthier life. I'm starting to get a little nervous about the anesthia (sp?). I've never had any surgeries before and I am very excited about this but nervous at the same time. Anyone have any good relaxation/mediation tips?
Hi Toni! You and I are surgery buddies because my surgery is the same day! I am not nervous about the surgery itself, just the recovery period afterward. My best friends husband is an anesthesiologist and he gave me some helpful tips for relaxing prior to surgery. I used them for my last c-section and it worked for me. He said to close your eyes and picture yourself in a very calm relaxing place. Remove yourself mentally from the hospital room and all the activity around you. Breathe in and out deeply three to four times until you find yourself comfortable. At this point you can open your eyes and answer questions if needed, but keeping your calm place in your mind. It helped me to find a specific object to look at or focus on. It worked for me. Plus, I know that I am going to sleep through everything so my biggest fear is pain afterwards. I plan on using these techniques post surgery as well. I hope it helps. Good luck with everything!
Annie Thanks - that does help. You know I'm not really worried about the surgery itself, and I hadn't thought about the pain. Pain is something I live with everyday so that's not a big deal to me. I was just getting freaked out about being put to sleep. I've never had that done before so your tips will definately help. Tell your friend's husband thanks for me.