A couple questions.......?
I have just contacted my insurance company and was pleased to find out that they will cover 90% of the costs.
. I placed a call to Dr. Muhammad Jawad in Ocala, Fl and waiting a call back to make my first appt.
I am mainly interested in the Lap Band and was wondering if anyone could give me a estamite on cost and how long you were out of work? Any halp would be wonderful.

Hello Jean-I had RNY laproscopically on 3/1/05, and my surgeon does not recommend the lap-band procedure because it has less success as long-term weightloss than the procedure I had. He charges the same for both, and his charge alone is approx 7000.00. He uses an assistant surgeon who preps the laproscopic tools for him, and of couse you still have to be under general anesthesia and go through most of the same stuff we have to for the surgery. All total my surgery cost approx 50,000.00 whi*****ludes all the pre-op stuff, hospital charges, anethesia charges, medications, and luckily my United Healthcare insurance pays for 90% up to my max out of pocket of 400.00 plus my copays for the drs and drugs then they pay 100% after I meet that. Also the lap-band procedure has a lot more maintanence because you have to go back for additional procedures from time to time so they can adjust the band. It is supposedly less painful, less invasive, and less time to recover, but since it's also less successful you have to ask if you want to pay so much for something that may not work in the long run. You don't get the malabsorption or the type of aversion therapy you get with RNY because you are still able to eat the same things you did before with no dumping syndrome. The lap band probably doesn't help much with the co morbidities like diabetes either since you don't get the dumping syndrome which teaches you not to eat that stuff. I think the main thing that has helped me already in changing the way I think about food and why I am so thankful for this surgery is how it has changed my tastebuds and so many things about my body seem to be correcting itself. I used to live for sweets, and now I am not at all interested in sugar and think the sugar-free stuff is too too sweet. It is work either way to lose weight, but I would rather have the RNY than any other type of procedure I have read or talked about because it is the only one that changes you for the better, gives you the tools to change your whole lifestyle, and if it is medically necessary it is reversible too. My surgeon is awesome, and since he has done over 3000 procedures has it down to a science now. He puts in a silastic ring where the stomach and small bowel meet so that it slows down the digestion process and keeps you feeling full a long long time. I never feel hungry and have been on clear liquid diet for the past 2 weeks. I have already lost almost 30lbs I think and am so happy. I hope that helps you to consider all the possibilities. If you want to read about my surgeons information see his website: www.centerforsugicalweightloss.com. If you want to read what my surgery day experience was read my profile here. Thanks for listening.
Sorry I misspelled the website for Dr Gorospe: www.centerforsurgicalweightloss.com
I hope it wasn't too frustrating or confusing...
I was going to go for lapband as well but in the end was told to go with the RNY. They are saying the band isnt as successful as they thought. Im not trying to talk you out of it, I tried for 2 years to get the band. But please look at both very carefully before you decide...you can actually have more variety of foods with RNY than with the band.
I know this isnt answering your questions above but I noticed someone else mentioned that too so I hope you dont mind that I stepped in and agreed.
I wish you all the best
Hi Jean,
I am new lap band patient and I never dreamed that I would have considered WLS at all. But for me RNY was never an option. Of course, your choice of WLS is a personal one.
I have heard of successess and failures with both the RNY and Lap Band (and even DS), as you can work around any tool (the 'tool' being the WLS).
Please go to the lap band message board
to get more information about the band. There are several long term 'bandsters' that can share their experiences with you.
I am almost 2 weeks out and so far so good, have lost a total of 18#.
Best of luck to you, Jean!