2 Days Pre-Op and a little bit nervous
Hello everyone,
I have been reading the WLS forums for a while now but have never posted. This will be my first post.
I am 28 and 375-380 pounds. My weight has gone up slowlly for the last 6-8 years. This is my all time heaviest.
I am schedualed for the 16th and am feeling nervous about the surgery. I have never been under before, thats really my concern. Can anyone share what it's like?
Thanks and Good Luck to all,
Hi Eddie,
I'm also scheduled for my surgery on 3-16-05. This will be like a new birth for me. Slightly nervous here mainly due to wondering if I will be able to follow through the way I am planning. I have had MANY surgeries, however, so I am not concerned about that. They will give you something in your IV to relax you and when they are ready, you will simply go to sleep for a while.
Can't say you will wake up refreshed, but you will certainly be on that new road to the new you! Good luck!

It's ok to be nervous. I'm 6 days post-op, and let me tell you, there's nothing to worry about. I have had no problems at all. No pain, it's wonderful. I have read things about the surgery that I really expected the worst. So I think everything will be just fine. Just listen to your body and do what the drs. tell you and you'll be fine.
Eileen Riffle
Hi Eddie!
First I want to say congratulations!!! I am also scheduled for the 16th and like you I am finding myself getting very nervous. Alittle over a year ago I went in for a emergency hysterectomy and had a huge incision to deal with. Try to stay calm I know that nothing was as bad as I thought it was going to be. There are alot of us going in on this day, just think one of us is going through and feeling exactly like you are! I will be praying for a uneventful surgery and speedy recovery. See you on the other side

Hi Eddie,
I just wanted to tell you that you are not alone in the nervousness. My surgery date is 3/16 also and although I've researched this surgery completely, now that the actual date is here, I almost want to run and hide. I've dedicated so much time to having this surgery done and starting my new life, but I keep getting these little doubts about whether I will succeed with this surgery and worrying about possible complications. I am so ready to get out of this body and start enjoying life that I am just going to let my Higher Power take control.
Good Luck to you and all my fellow March Losers!!!
WOW I am going in on the 16th also! Good luck to all of my surgery date twins. I have found that I am pushing my nervousness back in my mind and I am afraid that it will come exploding out of me on Wednesday. I am also afraid it will make my blood pressure go through the roof and they will cancel surgery. I guess it is normal to be worried but I am just as excited as I am nervous. I will keep all of you in my prayers!
Hi Eddie.......You will be fine I have had 4 surgerys before and they put you to sleep and when you wake up you`ll be alittle gruggy and in and out for a few hours and then once your up you will feel better Best of luck to you .. I am also having surgery on the 16th so is alot of others so lets all do good and BE POSITIVE....