Oh no I'm home alone now!
Hello all-I had my laproscopic RNY procedure on 3/1/05 and have been home since 3/4/05. I am a single girl, so my mother was staying with me for the first week to help me recover to the point I am now able to do mostly everything on my own. She left on 3/9/05 and I was so thankful that she was here till then, but now she is gone I feel like I need a little more support being home alone. I am doing fine feeling strong and my pain is mostly gone, but this liquid diet is really hard to handle. I sometimes just want a cheeseburger so bad even though I know I am not hungry at all and am fully aware that it would destroy my new stomach if I gave in to the temptation. I am being strong and keeping as positive as possible, but I would appreciate any moral support from anyone out there going through the same stuff. I can't believe I've been post-op only a little more than a week, but I feel so stir crazy being at home especially now by myself. Help if you can. Thanks!
It sounds like your not alone...Others on this site are describing the same feelings.
I am pre-op...March 15 and I am so glad people are talking about all this stuff. I now have an idea of what I can expect.
Keep talking with everyone here on the board and we'll continue to give you the support and encouragement to help!! How long have you been told to stay on the liquid diet?
Hang in there Vanessa, It will all be worth it!!!

Hi Stacey. I have gotten over the inital freak out phase of how I felt so helpless that I had so long to go till I could eat any real food. I now realize that it is all a matter of perspective. I have only had to be on my clear liquid diet for 2days before and 2 weeks after. The hardest part about before is knowing your stomach could handle regular food but you cannot eat it. Then the hardest part after is knowing that your stomach cannot handle any regular food at all for close to 1month. I have even had nightmares that I ate a bite of a cheeseburger and it was going to tear up my new stomach. It's not so bad though you just wake up and realize it's going to be okay because if you can make it through surgery you can make it without real food as long as it takes to heal. I only have about 4days to go till I graduate to soft foods. I know it will be a new adjustment because my tastebuds have changed and heightened in a lot of ways, but I am very excited about being able to eat instant mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, refried beans, cream of wheat and being able to mix in the virtually tasteless protein powder will be awesome. I am so sick of the protein drinks I could cry. Anyway thanks for the support, and I hope it helps to know this stuff ahead of time. Believe me I am amazed at how easily I can taste everything like the chlorine in tap water and the added minerals in Dasani water it's just wierd that I can almost feel the difference now that I can only have these and other clear liquids. Good Luck!
I am five days post op and I understand what you're thinking. Just remember that you didn't make the decision to do this overnight. It took time to get to the point of surgery and it will take some time to move on from that point. The time will go by fast. For me, it isn't so much wanting scrambled eggs, refried beans or cheesburgers--in fact I really don't want much of anything right now--but I'm just waiting for the pain to go away. It's only been five days and I've been told the first week or two are the worst. So, if that's true, I'm already 1/3 or so of the way through!
Take it day by day and hang in there.
Hey thanks Greg, you hang in there too. I feel so great now, and I have no pain at all. I am finally agile enough to do just about anything, but I cannot lift heavy objects of course since it's only been 12days post-op. I hope by now your pain has lessened. I have been off the paid meds for 5days and am getting around just fine. I know it is different for everyone, because my friend who had surgery the same day was still taking her pills up 2days ago. I am doing just fine with the protein drinks since I learned to strain them 2 times to make sure its very smooth when I drink them and I just use the virtually tasteless one with my crystal light and diet tang drinks so it's much better. I only have today and Monday to go till I can start trying soft foods on Tuesday morning. I never really thought eggs or malt-o-meal was my breakfast of choice, but it sounds great after 2weeks without any "real food". I know that I am not hungry, but my mind still sees food as a comfort, so it's just that I will be glad to have "a new dialogue with an old friend". I went out and bought the best organic eggs I could find and a few soft foods that were the lowest in fat and sugar and I feel really good that I am spending money on things that are good for me not what I bought in the past. My surgeon says we will save so much money that we are no longer spending on food that we should save for plastic surgery, but I am looking forward to spending it on new clothes. You sound like you're very positive despite the pain, so I applaud you for sharing your thoughts. Take care!
I had open RNY on 3-1-2005 and I know what you are feeling. You are so strong and brave to be on your own for this one. I just keep telling myself that all the cravings and thoughts that I am having about food are all in my mind. I am a food addict and I wouldn't have expected to lose all my desires for my favorites with surgery. I decided I wouldn't let food control me any more. If I sit around thinking about all the things I used to medicate myself with, it is controlling me and my feelings. And all it is is food for goodness sakes. And the fact of the matter is that for the past 6 days you have had the freedom to make your own choices and you have obviously done great. Keep in mind also that the liquid stage doesn't last forever. Good luck.
Crystal H
Thanks Crystal! I am so with you on this clear liquid diet thing being over soon. I only have about 4 days to hang with it. I feel okay about it now, but you have to admit it is a hard thing to handle at first. Now that my mom is gone my time seems to be flying by, so I am not worried about it too much. I am venturing out for the 1st time on my own driving tomorrow, so wish me luck! I have found that now that mom isn't nagging me all the time to be drinking my water and exercising I am not doing it enough. I have to be my own cheerleader now and it is difficult sometimes to motivate myself to get all the drinks in and walk, walk, walk. Please let me know how well you are doing since we had the procedure on the same date. Thanks!
Here too I am post op 3/3/05 and my husband is still home with me. I have been forcing myself to do things so that he can go bak to work on Monday. I am pretty confident I will be fine alone by then. I haven't rally craved any food I think the only thing I am missing is the "crunch" of something although it really hasn't been a problem for me yet. I don't work so I am around all the time, send an e-mail, feel free to vent to me. I will get back as soon as I can, I check my mail often!

Hi Jean, I am glad to hear you are doing so well at 7days out. I think I had my first realization and psuedo-breakdown on about the 5th day when it seemed so far away till my 2week mark that I could start to eat some kind of actual food even if it's just soft stuff. I think it was mainly because I had complications while in the hospital and had felt so helpless there on the 1st day that I started to have the same feelings about my food situation too. I got over it fast because my mom was here then to talk me into a positive outlook and a friend called to let me know her house had been broken into so it helped me put my frustrations into perspective. This too shall pass and I just keep thinking this is the best thing for my health so I can do what I have to do to live the life I want for myself. Thanks for the support!