12 days and I am nervous as hell
Hey Folks.. I am 12 days pre-op and I must say I am getting more and more nervous by the day.. Part of me asks myself why I am doing this to myself. I have no health issues except being overweight. I am comfortable with myself the way I am. But I also know that if I don't do something I may have health problems later in life. At 38 years old I am not getting any younger.. So why am I doing this again?? :>)
I just got home this afternoon from having my procedure done. I was extremely nervous and scared leading up to the surgery but once the whole pre-op stuff starts and they get you going, it's like reaching the top of the roller coaster (oooh, I'll be doing THAT again soon too!) and the plunging down. You wake up on the other side and you're all done. You're 38 now, and you want at least another 38 years in front of you. Congratulations on making it this far. You'll do fine and you're in many peoples' prayers.

i haven't had my surgery yet, but I think that is a question we all ask ourselvs! It's like i keep on :junggle: the idea. Sometimes I think, "oh well, I can do it on my own!,
but then I tell myself then y haven't I done it all these years! I'm really scared too,
but i think I have no choice. Whatever u decide my best goes out to you! God Blless;angel: Denise

Being 6 months out, I can tell you why you are doing it. For your FUTURE health. That doesn't seem that important right now, but believe me it will become so as you grow older. I didn't have any real health issues at 38 years of age either, but at 48 I had high blood pressure (taking 3 meds), severe joint pain and foot problems, and was "spiraling" toward diabetes. I hope that I have had the surgery soon enough to avoid ever having diabetes, but I may have waited too long. I do have some permanent joint damage due to long-time abuse. I have lost 80 lbs. so far, and feel like a new woman. I was pretty nervous about the surgery too, but I made it and so can you! They would be MORE worried about you if you were NOT nervous!! This is MAJOR surgery, and not without risks, but I found the new lease on life I have far outweighs the risk that I took. Best wishes. Pam
I am 7 days post-op and I can tell you how I dealt with it. You have gone through the research, selected a surgeon, made the courageus decision to end the yo-yo dieting for good. That was the hard part, and you did it. The decision is made, try to forget about it and focus on the positives. I just turned 35 on Wednesday and have no health issues, have always been athletic and struggled for years with the decision. After all, why take the risks of surgery if I am perfectly healthy. However, I don't see many 480 lb, 50 year old men walking around. I tried to think of it as a couple days of hell, every day better than the last, and something I had to fight through to get to the real me. Now, on the other side, I can tell you it isn't as bad as you have built it up in your head. I pray yours goes as well as mine, but I only took pain medication a little the morning after, then only that night a couple times to sleep. I was home less than 48 hours after surgery, and only took two doses of pain medication, one each of the first two nights because it made me drowsey and I wanted to sleep. Each day is much better than the last and here 7 days later I walked about a mile outside with my daughter. I know everyone's experience will be different, but being healthy going into it, you have maximized your chances for a positive outcome. You'll be fine, and if you have any questions, feel free to email me. Good Luck!
Chris S.