My surgery was 3/3...
Hey guys. I've been home since yesterday and boy do I feel like crap. I am having the worst pain in one area of my stomach and I know that is to be expected but I am cold yet sweaty and very tired but can't sleep, I also am having a lot of BM's today. I called my doctor's office and they said to drink some more broth. I've been drinking broth and protein shakes every 2 hours, plus the mdes the doctor prescribed. They said to hold off on water????
Is their anything else I can take or do at this early stage to make me feel better? I feel horrible

Hi Najah,
Im from Delaware and I had my surgery on the 2nd of March, that is 6 days ago and I feel wonderful. I had a lap. I have been out shopping 3 times this week and cooking my husband meals and all. Im on pureed foods and protein drinks. No nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. It is true what they say the more you walk even if you do not feel like it, the better you will feel. Well you take care and I hope you feel better soon.

First of all Welcome to the Losers Club!! I am sorry to hear you are feeling yucky! For me every day got a bit better starting with my 2nd day home. I had my drain out today and this evening/night has been rough. I'm about to start sipping my meds right out of the bottle! ;) I think that sometimes we overdo things because of being told to walk walk walk. I know that I did and when I slowed down a bit, I got better quick. I was at home caring for 2 small kids, trying to cook, keep house and even go for a walk around the block. It was TOO much!! Now I keep my activity spurts to about one hour then I try to rest for a bit. I'm assuming your worst pain is in your left side?
Hugs and get well wishes!