Hi Surgery on the 18th
Hey Jennifer
I am also scheduled for the 18th, and although I am nervous, I know there is a slim and excited woman waiting to emerge. I am trying to concentrate on all of the things that can and have gone wrong with my body carrying around these extra pounds for so long.
You are lucky to have a good support group and can also find support here online, so try to relax.
You will be in my thoughts.
Take care
Sue Smith

My big day is the 17th i can not wait.. I wish you the best of luck. I ll keep you in prayers..
I think the thing that helps me get over the nevousness is by telling myself im ending life as i know it to better my self. Also by thinking about the outcome of all the hard work.. So keep positive and keep in touch let me know how everything works out!! Ill look forward to hearing from you.
lots of love

Im having surgery on the 17th. Im not nervous so much of the surgery but the after math of everything. I try to stay positive and i keep in my mind that im ending my life to start another one. It gonna be a whole new way of living and that keeps me excited. Imnot sure if i helped but at least you know you are not alone so keep the faith.
I will be saying a special prayer for you. Keep in touch and email me and let me know how you are doing.. Bye for now.
Lots of Love

Im having surgery on the 17th. Im not nervous so much of the surgery but the after math of everything. I try to stay positive and i keep in my mind that im ending my life to start another one. It gonna be a whole new way of living and that keeps me excited. Imnot sure if i helped but at least you know you are not alone so keep the faith.
I will be saying a special prayer for you. Keep in touch and email me and let me know how you are doing.. Bye for now.
Lots of Love

Im having surgery on the 17th. Im not nervous so much of the surgery but the after math of everything. I try to stay positive and i keep in my mind that im ending my life to start another one. It gonna be a whole new way of living and that keeps me excited. Imnot sure if i helped but at least you know you are not alone so keep the faith.
I will be saying a special prayer for you. Keep in touch and email me and let me know how you are doing.. Bye for now.
Lots of Love