Wahooooo! one week from today i will be on the losing side!!
Yippy one more week!!! omg i am so anxious and nervous!!!
I find myself day-dreaming of the life i will have after wls!
can't wait to be running around with my lil girl! Then i get sad thinking god forbid something was to happen to me, what life would she have, But then i reassure myself that it is the right thing to do!
I have so many emotions sometimes i can't control them .. First im happy, then im scared then iam anxious and can't wait to be on the losing side. My husband is begining to think im NUTS! But i told him that it's NORMAL but i don't think he believes me
BTW are there any extra
out there? lol
Anyway, Love and Prayers to my wls Family ! Thank god for this website!

Good luck to you!! Mine is big date is only 9 more days away.. Ill say a special prayer for you and your family keep me posted let me know how you are doing.. Email me [email protected] Id love to hear about your experiences... Best of luck!!!