New date given 3/8
I was ready to go on the 31st of January other than getting broncitis. Boy was that hard too get rid of. Then they put me on prednisone (a steriod )This is big NO NO
when your surgeon has said no weight gain or the surgery is off. Bang 10 pounds on in five days. No stress here! (haha)
Three days left 5 more pounds to lose. Hopefully the note from my primary will clear me. Then I can start thinking about the lighter days on the other side.
My prayers go out to all of you, take care Lisa

Lisa, take a glance at my long-winded journal. I was postponed THREE times due to bronchitis (and also took a week's worth of prednisone). I will blaze the trail for you, as I'm due in tomorrow the 7th. Post back when you're home and I promise to do the same!
Good luck and welcome to your new life!!!