Finally I can sleep!
I have been having issues sleeping at night for the past few weeks. I was going to bed at midnight and waking up at four, unable to fall asleep again. Of course I was blaming it on the hubby's snoring
but yesterday I had my preop testing and got to talk to anesthesia. It went so great, I got nothing but positive feedback. People were saying I was the perfect candidate (young, no comorbs, physically active) and I was assured I would not wake up in the middle.
That Discovery Health Channel can be really dangerous!!!
They are going to give me the machine that measures the brain activity.
They were just all super. Of course it helped when the gorgeous intern told me he thought I was perfect!
So last night for the first time in a while I slept like a baby.
I feel GREAT today!
Wishing everyone a great day today!