Tomarrows my date!! March 2nd
Wish me luck and a prayer won't hurt to. It helped talking to some of you that have already been threw this but I'm still a bit nervous. I know it will be hard at first but I'll keep in mind howit will be worth it in the end.A healthier life and being able to be there with my husband and to watch my kids grow will be waiting for me.I'll post on my profile page asap to let you know how things went.Wish I had an angel but I know they are there watching over me. See you when I'm a loser
Michelle McG.

Tick Tock.....going so fast now! My neighbor just pick up my son for the night so my wife can take me in the morning. I hope I get a few zzzzz's! You are right about keeping the end result in mind. It definitly helps keep the jjjjjjiiiiiiittttteeeerrrsss down. Good luck and I will look for your updates when I get home from the hospital