Surgery date 3/10/05 Me I'm super scared.....
My surgery date is closing in on me. I have 2 children and when I look at them my eyes just star****ering
. I'm really scared that I won't be there for them growing up. I don't want to not get the surgery, cause I feel that there is no other way. But I don't want to die either. Is this just something everyone goes through? Thanks Christine

First, CONGRATS on your decision to change your life Christine!
I think we all feel that way
My surgery is scheduled for 3-7-05
I also have 2 children and like you when I look at them it brings tears to my eyes.....I think about all the activities I have missed , the school functions I didn't attend, and all the tears my girls have cried defending their fat mom to their peers. I don't want to die either, but I know being super morbidly obese only increases that risk.
Whatever you decide may God Bless You and grant you peace with your decision.

Hi Christine
I have had the same thoughts as you. My surgery is march 29, everyday I change my mind. I think we all might be a little scared. But what is our alternative. Being morbidly obese we can have a stroke or heart attack at any time. Put your trust in the Lord that he will bring you through this WLS so that you can be here for your children. And not just sitting and watching them run and play...but being able to join them in so many activities. Being a healthy Mom.
There are a lot of people praying for you so keep your chin and spirits up. Go to the chat room and talk to some of the other pre-op and post-op. You will look back on this negativity and laugh in a few months.