A little change for the 11th...????? :)
Hi all! Thanks for all your support and kind words, there has been a little change...
I got a call yesterday from the surgeons ofc, now if I want to have the surgery laproscopically, I will have to wait until April, OR I can have it done open as scheduled (according to the receptionist...) I go back Monday for my pre-op appt. Hopefully I will just be able to go in as planned on the 11th, despite the change in type... I would have liked to have done it laproscopically I think, but all of the arrangements have been made for me to go through on the 11th already (school, rides, etc...) So, if I can, I will be having it done 'open' on the 11th as scheduled, instead of 'lap'...Cross your fingers for me please!

I also am having the open procedure but it is because of scar tissue from an old surgery site. I have been told the risk of leakage is minimized.
I really wish I could have the laproscopic procedure. I had both types of surgery (open gallbladder and lap tubal ligation)- and I found that in both you just are really sore and just have to allow yourself to get better more each day. I am shceduled March 11th also. Good Luck!
Robin From PA