!!! In desperate need of support, surgery date 3/1/05!!!
Congratulations! You have been spared a long time of anxiety! Just hang in there and soon you will be on the losing side! I had my surgery 3/1/2004, so you have landed on my rebirthday. It was the best thing I ever did for myself. Your life is about to change for the better. Better buy a belt--you will soon have a hard time keeping up your britches!
I guess we're in the same boat so to speak.I went to my meeting with the surgeon yesterday thinking it would be a month or so before surgery and I'm scheduled to have it next Wed the 2nd of March!!I'm still in shock!I'm really scared to.I felt more at ease talking with all the nurses at the hospital where I'll be at because they all had surgery to and said it's the best thing they ever did for themselves.I know you live a ways from me,MN, but I'll be praying for you.Soon we will both be on the losing side and on the road to new healthier happier lives
Be strong because I'm sure your in good hands.
Michelle McG.
Well, Im not much knowledge here so my support may be minimal but, I have prayers going up for ya and I can understand how you r feeling right now'. MIne is the 15th and that was way fast to me so I can imagaine if it were any sooner Id be really freakin out!
Alls I know is keep reading , get all the info, and look at how many successful surgeries have been performed just on this baord alone!
Whats cool is just taking the steps and than dealing with wahtever pains we will have to, I hvae gone from horror at the pain to hmmmm Some have alot some dont and the average person is probably in between,
I wish you the best on this upcoming journey! Its is going to be so exciting!