March yes, but what day?
In the past 24 hours, I've gone from not being approved, to approval and being offered the date of March 11, only to hear an hour later that this isn't really a good date for my surgeon and then being offered March 24 and taking it.
This morning, it seems, that nothing can be confirmed until Monday. I know it's not reasonable, but I feel so disappointed, like I'm swinging from dispair to excitment back to dispair. Obviously I want to do this as soon as possible, but I also want to know when it's happening so I can get things in order. Including telling my mom when she can get tickets to come down to help out after. So added to my stress is her nagging me.
As I write this I know how lucky I am -- my insurance stuff went very smoothly and the people in my doctor's office have been very kind and responsive. I feel like Veruca Salt though going "but now, I wanna know now!"
LOL, what could be scarier than a 350 pound spoiled brar?
I understand completely how you feel. I got approved and I was so happy....
then I ended up in the hospital with a stomach illeous (sp?) and they said I couldn't have surgery...I was very depressed.
Then after more tests they said I could have the surgery and I had my pre-op testing and got a date.... March 23rd.
I was so pysched..... then they told me I have to have one more test..... just to be on the safe side before my surgery. I am so worried the test won't come out right even though the doctor said not to worry he thinks it will be fine.
I have to wait til March 11th for the test..... I feel like its a dark cloud looming over my head.
I want to be prepared for my surgery, but I'm afraid I'll jinx myself by getting overly excited til after this test is done. Its like a bad rollercoaster ride and I want to get off.
We just have to remember we are very lucky because we did get approved and a few more weeks won't kill us.... it just feels that way Keep your chin up!

Thank you for your kind words Scarlette.
Right after I wrote my post I realized that I needed to get a grip and be thankful -- because you're right, we're really lucky. One of my blog readers had to wait 2.5 *years* for insurance approval.
In perspective, the wait isn't so bad. A nice (though very slow) walk in the sunshine helped a lot.
I'm going to keep my fingers and toes crossed for you and be thinking about you on the 11th. Will you post or e-mail me and let me know how your test comes out? And I'll followup with mine on Monday.
BTW, because I'm new, I didn't realize I couldn't link to my personal site from here -- that I needed to leave off the "www" part. I promise to be more careful next time!
Peace out,
Ezpy - remembering those long, slow, deep breaths.