Needing to vent a bit--LONG POST

on 2/20/05 1:14 am - East Stroudsburg, PA
Hi and good afternoon everyone, I just needed to vent a bit... Last week I ordered a sample packet of protein drinks and the book from bariatric and had it shipped to my work address because I knew I would need to sign for it. Apparently the idiotic UPS man delivered things to my office and then took my package to the office next door and they signed for it, so I go over to get my package, which I have been anxiously awaiting only to find out that their receptionist took my stuff home with her. I was told she thought the stuff came from a drug company.... Now mind you this is a pychiatric office. Now I can see accidentally opening a package and then realizing your mistake but how does someone think that a book about bariatric surgery and protein samples should have come to a Phsycologist(spelling)???? Not to mention this woman knows I am going in for the surgery. So all weekend this has been eating at me, first because obviously she was interested in trying my protein samples or she wouldnt have even bothered taking them home. So now what if she gives it back to me and there are samples missing? I know I shouldnt really be irrate about this but money is always an issue in my life, hate to say it but we live paycheck to paycheck. Its not like I can readily replace whatever is missing. And being about 3 weeks preop I was looking forward to finding out which drinks I will like, because I am very concerned with making sure I get enough protein in. And I feel that because her boss owns the building and my boss rents that I cant really tell her to replace the stuff because I dont want to cause any rifts. Any advice on this? Secondly, I am about 3 weeks preop and have come down with a heck of a cold, it started inmy chest and I now have a wicked cough but its starting to move into my head. I dont want to have to postpone surgery because it wasnt easy getting all my ducks in a row with work to be able to take time off ( I am the only employee at this Dr's office so Dr's wife will be covering for me and she is taking leave from being a History Professor to help) I plan on calling my PCP Monday to see if he can call me some antibiotics in, but am concerned with pulmonary issues now postop, since I feel I am already in a weakened state....... any advice on this one? Sorry for such a long post..... PLEASE HELP
on 2/20/05 3:17 am - LIBERTY, MO
Get some Vitamin C and Zinc can take up to 10to 7 days before surgery and eat broccoli and get some Zicam works great my cold last 2 days . I have 18 days til surgery and i work in a call center EVERYONE is sick. also about the book and shakes go in and ask for them on Monday if they are not in there I would call the place where you ordered and explain that someone else signed and opened the package federal offense. good Luck!!!
on 2/20/05 4:47 am - Mississauga, Canada
Hopefully it all works out but I agree with the other post , you can always go back to the company as you never recieved the items and did not sign for them. Good Luck Stcey P.S. Tell me how your samples are if you get a chance.
on 2/20/05 10:02 am - East Stroudsburg, PA
Thanks to both of you for you advice. It doesnt look like I will be getting into work tomorrow due to weather but if she doesnt have them on Tuesday I will contact the company I ordered the items from. Thank you both again. Have a great evening
on 2/21/05 7:01 am - Lompoc, CA
I completely understand what you are going through with the cold issue. My surgery date is 3/15 and I have pneumonnia!!!! I am hoping and praying it will clear up, but I have to have my final chest xray this Thursday the 24th because my pre-op with the surgeon is 2/25. Just rest as much as you possibly can, get some antibiotics if possible, and take chicken soup, vitamins, over the counter cold medicines, use a vaporizer, whatever you can possibly do. Increase your protein, drink lots of fluids, etc..... As for the other issue, where this idiot receptionist took your package home, I would be totally pissed off. It had your name on it, and she had absolutely no right to open it, much less take it home. When she brings it back, tell her as politely as possible, that this was your personal property which you saved up to buy, and you just don't understand why she felt it was ok to open it and take it home. If there is anything missing, give her the receipt from the order, and ask her how she would like to handle it, either by giving you the money to replace the items or by going online herself and replacing your order. Ask her sweetly like there is no other alternative that is even an option. And remind her that time is of the utmost importance as you need to be taking these protein supplements now, before your surgery. Good luck, take care! Deanna
on 2/21/05 8:04 pm - East Stroudsburg, PA
Hi Deanna, Thanks for the advice. Today is the day I should get the package (offices were closed yesterday) so I am kinda anxious to hear the excuse she gives me. Everyone who knows me says I stand up for other people but never myself so today will be a challenge if anything is missing, but I will take your advice and let her know that this was something I needed to be on preop for healing benefits. I am taking over the counter meds for this stupid cold but nothing seems to be helping it just keeps moving into other areas. I am going to try calling my PCP today and see if he can call me in an antibiotic. I hope you begin to feel better soon and the the pneamonia (spelling) clears up. I dont think mine is chest related although I have a cough I think I have a sinus infection. Go for chest xray on the 8th. Will they do surgery on someone who has a cough if the chest xray is clear? Everyone I know is sick so Im not surprised I caught it. Can blame this one on the hubby though. Ok girl please feel better soon and I hope that everything clears up for you. Thank you again for the advice, I will be following it...Bye for now
June W.
on 2/21/05 12:45 pm - Jackson, MS
Followup with UPS...they are responsible for delivering the package to probably has insurance that will replace the contents if you can't get the box from the receptionist. Remember, you are not resposible for other folks stupidity!!! Hang in there. June
on 2/21/05 8:07 pm - East Stroudsburg, PA
Hi June, thanks for responding. If I go to the girl today and either she doesnt have the package or things are missing I will be forced to followup with UPS. I dont really want to cause any rifts but it was very irresponsible on her behalf. I know its easy to open up soething accidentally I have done it myself but after being the office manager you kinda get to know what is yours and what isnt just because you open to much stuff. And she knows I am going in for the surgery so it just shows complete disrespect. Well all will be dealth with today. Thank you again for your advice. Bye for now
on 2/22/05 5:02 am - Erie, PA
First of all, PRAY!!!!!! I heard Zicam is awesome for colds. Rest, antibiotics, get a face mask thing if you have to so you wont re-infect yourself with the cold virus. Drink ALOT of fluids. Get Plenty of Rest. Vitamin C and Zinc. Nothing heavy to eat. Chicken noodle soup. Seondly, Homegirl had no right to open your package. You dont owe her an explanation about it either. It is none of her business what it is for. Even if she did open it, which she shouldn't have, but whatever she opens, she needs to pay you for it. Sorry, I tend to speak my mind a little bit too much. I pray you get well ASAP!!!!! Lisa
on 2/23/05 3:55 am - East Stroudsburg, PA
Hi I just wanted to let those of you know who have read this that Today I FINALLY got my package back. And yes everything was accounted for. Even some good surprises that I wasnt expecting. I have already started reading the book and cant wait to try one of the protein shakes. Thanks alot for ALL of your advice and support
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