help i've been denied
Hey, Jess, don't worry! Just do what I did, talk to your surgeon Monday, then call your insurance co and tell them that u r going to hire an Obesity Lawyer if u get denied on the appeal. I did that and was approved 2 hours later. I was told by my insurance co that they were going to deny my appeal after my first denial so I WAS going to hire an attorney, Gary Viscio, HE ROCKS!, but when I told them that I didn't have to hire him. My friend Stacy did the same when she was denied and she got approved like I did!
God Bless
hey angela, i have contact the doctor's office and the insurance company, the insurance compay said they never received any medical history on me and that is why i was denied so fast!
but i have put in for an appeal, and my doctor is talking with them, so i'm keeping my fingers crossed!
oh, and by the way, i kinda dropped a hint that i had a lawyer!
they said i didn't need one at this time! lol
thanks again
xoxo jess