hi Theresa my surgery is march 23 but i.m not afraid because i trust in God and i feel him with me please talk to him you will find peace I have three kids and i,m going to be here for along time, Dear lord take the fear from theresa let her know that you said you will never leave us and that you know our plans before we know, be with her and me day by day let us come through this surgery with out any problems Amen
Thanks Latonia, I guess I have been having some bad luck for about 2 years and I am reflecting back upon that. Severe PPD and Anxiety, Loss of Job, Sickness in Family... I have such a difficulty trusting God fully even though this is what I have to do.............. Strange I am very religious, but I guess by the grace of God go I.
Wow, that is three of us on 3/22!!! I understand being scared, I think we all are, somewhat...I've found that talking to a friend of mine who's been through it has helped me sooooo much...that and spending time with my loved ones! I just try to concentrate on the good things and all the stuff I need to do before the surgery! That keeps me busy enough not to worry!
Keep your chin up and if you need an ear, I've got 2!

Hi Theresa,
I had surgery March 22, 2004. I remember being scared, but I tell you, it's all worth it. I'd do it again. The only thing I can tell you is to follow the diet your surgeon gives you. Drinks lots of water and work really hard to get in your protein. Start walking as soon as you can. I've lost to date, 140 pounds and have never felt better. At 6 weeks post-op, I joined an aerobics class and have enjoyed every minute of it. Exercising helps to push the weight loss along. Sure, you'll still lose the weight with this surgery, but remember this is just a tool. We also have to work at it to keep the weight off.
I will be praying for you that God will ease your mind and bring you peace in your decision to have surgery, also to keep you healthy and for your surgeon and staff. It'll be alright. If you have any questions, I am willing to answer them for you. Take care of yourself and don't look back. Look forward to living a healthy and wholesome life.