March 8th, I'll be there!!!!
Nervous, scared, excited, worried, so many emotions. Baldness? Don't have much hair to begin with, oh well, whatever the outcome is I will deal with it. Started using Biotin shampoo, conditioner, and scalp treatment. See if it helps. Pre-admission testing tomorrow 2/17/05. Time is really going by fast and just hope that all tests are ok.

Hi Stephanie, love the dancing men. Pre-admission testing is done 2 weeks before surgery as far as I understand. Don't know where your having your surgery at. They did a ultrasound and chest x-ray plus blood work and withdrew blood from an artery to check my oxygen level. So far so good but don't know how long it takes for them to read the results of everything else. They gave me a plastic breathing aparatus that I have to inhale 10 breaths 3 times a day to exercise my lungs. Good Luck and Congratulations to you also. Hope to hear from you on the down side!!! Weight Loss that is.