"Something old - Something new"
Hello Marchers, 05
I just wanted to wish you all the best and say God Bless you all and keep you safe! I am a previous "Marcher" 04 . It has been a life changing experience and a great one at that, you won't regret taking control of your health or the decision, for a "New" healthier life style". I found out "change is Good" The road will be a lil bumpy at first but once you are 100% again you will be amazed at how the change comes on so fast, I myself lost 30 pounds in just 2 weeks....
When I began my journey, I couldnt absorb enough info about wls, always reading and surfing, thinking about even losing sleep trying to decide which procedure to get, it is a personal decision as to what type you get, and for others there is no choice...but to have the procedure their Dr.does! I was on a roller coaster ride of nerves
waiting for the "date".. Finally it was here March 22nd 2004, I was so excited I felt like I won the Lottery!
The best advise I can give any of you is to "Listen to your Doctors",
and Dieticians...Drink your water everyday and take your vitamins, drink your Protien drinks, everyone I know went through at least 3-4 different brands before they finally found one they liked ,expensive isnt always better tasting. But most of all follow the "Plan to the letter"
The reward is a new healthier you! Reach deep within and you will be surprised at the "willpower you have". I was amazed how dedicated I have been through this Journey, because I never stuck to anything my entire life!! I didnt like to excersize,
hated to walk even to the grocery store I would hunt for the closest parking spot!
, but I learned to like it and actually enjoy that "alone time" for me to excersize, or walk and choose the right foods on a daily basis. I use to use Insuline 3x a day, woke up on a daily basis in pain, 2 weeks after my wls I am no longer Insuline dependent!
I started my Journey at 379 pounds
and I have lost a whole person
in 11 months.This itself is a Blessing!!! Remember this is not a quick fix, this is a life changing decision. I must work at it on a daily basis to stay healthy! This is a wonderful site and the people here are amazing with there support and information and stories.
God Bless you all and keep you safe as you join us all on the Losing side!
"Believe in yourself" God Loves you!
Hugz Mary