That's right I did it!! After much fighting and letter writing and organizing and calling..I won, I got approved for my surgery and my date is 3/3!! This is my date as long as everything is in order with my EKG and Echo! I don't expect there to be any issues.
I don't have an angel..I need one!! Well I think I should have one even though I have no idea what they do..I just think it is a good idea to have your own angel if you are about to go under ya know??!!
I just ordered my vitamins and protien..oh..wow it is finally starting to hit me!!
My 2 week mark is 2/17 WOW!!
WOW! Okay..well I just wanted to let everyone know that if you are persistant enough you could just win that insurance battle..w/o a lawyer!!
Soon to be a LOSER BABY!