Got my date, can't believe how fast things are moving!
I just had my initial consultation with my surgeon, Dr. John Alexander, on 1/13/05. They sent in the letter for approval to my insurance (United Healthcare PPO), I had my EGD, Stress and Psych eval done on 1/26 and was approved on 1/27/05 by insurance. Now I have my surgery date on 3/4/05. I can't believe how fast this train is moving. My biggest concern is how depressed I am going to be when I can't eat afterword. I am at piece with the surgical risk and pain involved, but how am I going to watch a football game next year without throwing down a pizza or some buffalo wings? Could be a bout with depression in the near future. Hopefully the excitement about losing weight will overide it and I will be able to enjoy the benefits enough to not worry about not pigging out anymore. We'll see...!
Dear Chris,
I think everyone worries about being depressed after surgery. From what I have read you just need to become obsessed with other things like exercise and your family. Keep real busy!! That is going to be my goal anyway! I have a 9yr old daughter and believe this is my last resort I figure if I am going through all this trouble I better forget about food and obsess on other things after. This may be the only shot I get to start fresh. Good luck to you and we will be rooting for you! If you feel the urger to splurge just write a note and someone on hear will give you their advise!!