I got a date yall. March 31st! I can't wait. I am not nervous...nothing but excitement. I got over being afraid a long time ago. My faith is very strong and I believe that God will see me through this. He has brought me this far and kept me from harm. So why start doubting him now. March 31st seems like a long time. But it's not it's right around the corner. I think the excitement is what is getting to me. I am cheesing like that big fat chess cat off of Alice in wonderland.
Well I just wanted to share my news with others. God bless all of you!

Congrats! I am so happy for ya! My date is March 24 I am so excited and happy! I know u r too! Email me anytime and we can chat and keep in touch thru this waiting period! My email is [email protected]. Keep in touch.
Love and God Bless