Gwendolyn Pulido..
Jan 3, 2005, Well today I received the good news that my surgery has been scheduled for the 14th of March, that is the best news that I could have received, I am so anxious for the surgery to be behind me so that I can get on the road to recovery....and getting the weight off, so that I will be able to get around again, and be able to do the things that I have so much missed.
I will keep all of you posted as to what is going on, any changes, etc.
Good luck all on your March surgery's, please keep me posted.
Hey Gwen
Congrats on getting a surgery date. I just got my date from the surgeon today. I am scheduled for March 28th. I am getting open RNY unknown. I am so anxious, nervous and excited all at the same time. I can not wait to lose weight and do all the stuff I can't do now. I cannot wait to start my whole new life. Good luck to you and all those getting surgery.