Left ONe-derland - Just got back!
Gosh. I will NEVER again sweat a "small" gain of one or two pounds ever again. When I got back from my wedding trip on 9/28 I weighed in at 196 AT LONG LAST. WOohoo! Posted about it at the time.
Then the next week, I was UP SIX POUNDS to 202.
The next week? TWO MORE POUNDS UP to 204.
Oh. My. Stars!!!! I had been MONTHS getting off those last few pounds, and bam just like that, back to 204. SO discouraging.
But I mean, really. This could not be real weight and I knew it intellectually. I was having an epic bout of constipation, AND come to find out, I was PMSing at the time. I was on track with my food & exercise. I joked about wedding cake for breakfast for a week, but I ate a normal breakfast every day. Followed by a bite of wedding cake
But that could not have put eight pounds on me, could it? As this was happening, I was simmering on low PANIC. I "knew" better. But still, the panic.
Weigh-in the next week? 197. DOWN SEVEN POUNDS in a week.
I am so glad I only weigh once a week. I would have spent countless HOURS driving myself insane hopping on & off the scale endlessly. Thank God there is no scale in my house.
Anyway, this stuff can be maddening! I have kept my shoulder to the wheel all along, sticking with my daily exercise and being pretty vigilant about food, vitamins, water. I figured everything would fall back into place, but the roller-coaster ride of the numbers is a bit much on my head. Yow.
Hope all my fellow Marchers are doing well!

Ha, ha, I know what you mean and I think "how can I gain weight when I eat mostly protein and eat so little?" and then I loose again.
I have been getting this "Lean Plate Club" eletter from the Washington Post and they said after 4#'s to get on the stick to make sure the weight stays in check. I have an IUD so my cycles are there but no show so I am not sure how that effects things.
Your pic's were lovely from the beach, you look so happy-congratulations! Barb