Hello Marchers
Just browsing around haven't post in a while.I'm doing well,down 97lbs trying to get in century club.First it was getting to the onederland now it getting 100lbs off.Everything still slow(I would lose 2lbslast week and gain 3lbs this week)and frustrating journey.But I'm healthy going to the gym 3x a week.I'm not out of breath anymore walking 1/4 this a good thing.
Visit my renal specialist today and he took me off another HTN medication today.Yipeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!So I'm down to 2 meds I was on 5meds before this journey.
I see my BD in Jan and we are going to discuss my plastic sugergy(tummy tuck)hoping to have lower body lift(tired of having a druppy butt).
Well hope everyone have a good week.See Ya

Thanks for your post, should I ask my surgeon about the TT etc? That's part of my PS dilemma, do you go to the surgeon or just shop for a PS surgeon........I go the end of Jan 07 also, and I have been stable +/-3 lbs for awhile but I am sick of looking at my tummy knowing if it was gone I would be two sizes smaller! B
Sounds like you both have a plan---start shopping--its sort of fun to get PS consults--but when you call ask how much the consult is! I had three consults---and 3 copays---35, 35, and 50! That was ok with me--cause I found the one I like--and am doing a LBL in December! Its funny but all three surgeons had a different approach--and I picked the one I liked the best! Best wishes--!