Weird Wow Moment!

(deactivated member)
on 7/22/06 12:04 pm - Elizabethtown, KY
Well, I had a first yesterday afternoon. It was a wow moment in a weird sort of way. Our neighbors right across the street are both nice people. I used to babysit for them. Their son Alex is 19 months old now and is a sweetie. They both were working nights at Dana. I'd have the baby from 8pm to 8am Sunday thru Thursday nights. His dad would drop him off and pick him up. Suddenly in May they decided she would go to dayshift and take him to a daycare. That was fine by me. They're not the sort of people who like to visit alot but we all wave and say hi when we see each other. Yesterday afternoon I called and left a message on her phone that if they wanted some tomatoes that they were more than welcome to come and get them. She came over about 4pm and stayed 30-40 mins just talking with me. Durning our conversation she started dropping little hints that the neighbor right beside them (the man) kept staring at me everytime I'm outside. If I am tanning on my front porch or just out with Adam. I was out in the front yard playing with the puppies and Allison one afternoon last week, this lady was on her front porch with the little boy, her hubby was mowing. We all waved and that was pretty much it. She said yesterday that their next door neighbor looked at me the whole time I was out there. Well I couldn't care less about that b/c I am a happily married woman and even if I wasn't married, I don't think so. She kept hinting that I shouldn't tan on my front porch (my father in law lives in the back yard, I am not tanning out there where he can see me. Thats gross) She even said I should hang blankets up if I am going to lay out so the guy next door to them won't be staring at me. I thought the whole conversation was a touch too weird and just kind of mumbled something at her. If I put up blankets around my deck it would block the view from her house. I was telling Adam (their names are Richard and Rhonda, the guy next to them is John) what Rhonda had been saying and he just laughed and said she was probably jealous cause Richard was looking over here. I mean, to hear her talk, her husband constanly watches their neighbor John, who supposedly constantly watches me. I guess maybe she thinks I am still to fat to be out tanning in public. I don't know. I don't wear a string bikini by no means and I wear a skirt or cut off jeans on my bottoms. Adam said he wouldn't worry about it cause I asked him if I was still to fat to tan and he was like NO! Now I am starting to think about why all of the sudden before she got her day shift job, she started bringing the baby over and picking him up when for months it was daddy cause supposedly he didn't fuss when dad dropped him off. He never fussed anyway, he just wouldn't sleep all night. Oh well. The wow "weird" thing about this is, if she is jealous I've never had that happen before What do u think? Should I continue to tan on my own property? I even told her she should come over and tan with me but she got out of that. She told me to tell Adam that her husband Richard was wanting to come over and sit and talk with him, I guess just to shoot the breeze or whatever, this next weekend when Adams off but I told Adam if I keep tanning she might not let him. Yes, I am terrible to think its a wow moment if she is jealous but I have never flirted with her husband or that other idiot or anyone. Well, not since I got married. Ok, just thought I'd share. Gotta go cook Adams supper...I will admit this, it did boost my moral some! Ok, someone smack my hands!!!
on 7/22/06 9:48 pm - Lusby, MD
Angela, very odd situation indeed! This one will probably keep you guessing and drive you crazy. It's one of those cases where you just can't please everyone, so please yourself and don't look back. Mainly, I wanted to post to let you know that your transformation is remarkable. I did not realize that it was "you" in your avatar photo until I checked out your profile and viewed the old photos. Your looking great, best of luck on PS, and keep up the good work. TraciL
(deactivated member)
on 7/23/06 12:42 am - Elizabethtown, KY
Thank u! I just wish my hips and legs had transformed in a better way lol. But I am working on that. I am getting ready to order a chicometric dvd to help me tone. Hugs Ange
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