Link for those of us struggling
I appreciate all of those *****sponded to my recent post about "how are we doing". It is comforting to know there are others out there who feel the same way as I do.
Do any of you guys visit Kaye Bailey's website I think she is a great lady and big supporter of wls. She wrote an article a few months ago about the "window of opportunity". I have re-read it a few times to try and give myself a kick in the butt. Here is a link
I tried the link, but it's no good. I know what you mean about the stalled weight loss. I eat way too much junk. My portion sizes are way bigger than they use to be. I keep telling myself that it won't be long before the weight starts coming back if I don't get off my lazy butt and do something about it. I think the most depressing part is that certain parts of my body are really looking scary, such as my breast. They look like freakin torpedo's!!
I want to start back at the basics but with the kids out of school it's hard to do. All they want to do is eat all, which makes me want to eat all day as well. I pray for all of us 2005 Marchers that are struggling.
Take care,

Hi Corgimom,
Thanks for this reminder. I read this when I was pre-op, and was glad to read it again. It reinforces my thinking that there IS a window, but it doesn't just slam shut at a certain date! As the article suggests, I believe we have much more control over this than some would have us believe.
At 15 months out, I have been doing a few things which do tend to close the window, such as poor food choices, and total slackness on exercise lately. I'm doing my dead level best to address my part of this, and my own experience has taught me that if I just do my part, this WLS tool just keeps on working and working!
Hope you're doing well! I appreciate your posts!