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Topic: New Photo of Pup
Good morning - check out the new photo of our puppy added to my profile page. Jillian has named her: AKC registered name is "Olivia's Opus Indigo" - because she's a blue merle collie. We'll call her Ollie. She comes home a week from Friday. Isn't she beautiful??? I swear, my Sophie has led her to us... be well, friends. Maureen
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
Topic: RE: Va Is My Hero!
Hi Connie, I can only write in the hopes that you will respond - please email me at: [email protected]
I just need to know that you're ok - and if you're not, I need to know that as well.
Did you see my new puppy? See photos on my profile page.
Jilliian named her Olivia - we're calling her Ollie around the house...
Perhaps Ollie will be the start of all good things for me and mine - she will be coming home to us next Friday. I truly believe Sophie has led her to us, or us to her... is that too wierd??
I miss you, Connie. Truly.
Love ya, Maureen
I just need to know that you're ok - and if you're not, I need to know that as well.
Did you see my new puppy? See photos on my profile page.
Jilliian named her Olivia - we're calling her Ollie around the house...
Perhaps Ollie will be the start of all good things for me and mine - she will be coming home to us next Friday. I truly believe Sophie has led her to us, or us to her... is that too wierd??
I miss you, Connie. Truly.
Love ya, Maureen
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
Topic: RE: Popping In day at a time...when you feel like youve fallen remember tomorrow is another day and pick yourself back up...small steps...but dont be defeated...think for every bad day..there is a good day too. You'll be ok...I know you will, remember dont let slip ups bombard your head as have not failed, I know sometimes it seems that way. Allow yourself treats now and then...sheeesh I do or Ide be a mess...its normal...we would all be liars if we said we didnt crave things sometimes...but you control it..dont let it control you, I know easier said then done.. Maybe...just a thought, allow or get it in your head that two days a week you can eat whatever you might help the other days when you cant, knowing you have those two days you can...worth a shot ...Ive done does help me. But Reenie...KNOW we are all in the same boat and we are all here for you and wish you the best in fighting this food demon.
Oh and PS...I did log that week I just havent had the chance to send it to you but I will this week.
Oh and PS...I did log that week I just havent had the chance to send it to you but I will this week.
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe" ----"Anatole France"
"Joyously grasp the ties that bind you, for they lead straight to the heart"---"Wm."
Topic: RE: Popping In
I, too, am addicted to food. When something hurts me or my family, the first thing I do is eat carbs. When I'm in my carb mode, that is all I eat! And it makes me feel so good! When I eat strawberry cheesecake, I am sure I get the same high a dope addict gets. I can take one bite and it feels good all the way down to my stomach. I've been on the carb trip now for several days, but tomorrow in Monday and I'll start over again.. Love ya, Judy
God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. Today is very imporant, because I'm exchaning a day of my life for it.
Topic: Popping In
Thanks Judy and Pam, I really appreciate your friendship and I'm sorry if I've caused you any worry. It's all good. I guess I'm grappling with viewing myself in the context of this board - we all found ourselves here for the same reason, the one common denominator that bonded us - morbid obesity and in some instances (my own certainly), super-morbid obesity. I wonder how others on this board found themselves so fat so as to seek weight loss surgery - certainly I am not the only one who has used food in a harmful way - that's how people get fat, overeating... compulsively overeating in my case. So while I may look to the outside world as someone who is relatively healthy and normal-sized, I find myself once again tortured in my head about food - it doesn't even matter what the food is... I'm not crazy. I'm not bipolar, I'm not unstable - I am addicted to food as a substance that on some deep unconscious level I believe helps me feel better. It doesn't and it never has. But I know I am not the only person here who has this relationship with food. And I am fighting hard to turn this around. That's all. That's all I have to say. Except thanks again for your friendship, dear ones. Maureen
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
Topic: Maureenand Connie are MIA
Ladies, we need to hear from y'all!! Let us know that you're okay. Love ya, Judy
God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. Today is very imporant, because I'm exchaning a day of my life for it.
Topic: RE: Paulie the wonder bird strikes again!
I so dearly love your Paulie stories...share them anytime..they always make me smile!
I so dearly love your Paulie stories...share them anytime..they always make me smile!
Topic: Reenie dear friend where are you?
My topic post says it all.
I know I am not alone in worrying and wondering how you are.
Please let us all know.
your in own prayers.
love you!
I know I am not alone in worrying and wondering how you are.
Please let us all know.
your in own prayers.
love you!
Topic: Paulie the wonder bird strikes again!
This is just a silly posting nothing major going on here other than living life.
Last night someone stopped by that I'd not seen in many months. A young woman who just got through a divorce. she's got a 3 year old son to bring up and just lost her job 3 months ago. Things are rough but she is positive. she'll be ok.
We were talking in the living room and she was tellimg me different trials she's been through but she's over coming them, As we were talking I'd make some small supporting comment like O your doing good. Or thats a great thing your doing.
Paulie was quietly mumbling in the background and after a while we both realized what he was saying.
Each time she told me something and I would say something supportive paulie would say "O my god" He had the right tone and inflection to cover what ever it would be. If it was sad he said it softly if it was funny he'd say it with a little laugh. He'd pick up on what we were saying and match our tones!
that bird just cracks me up. We had a good laugh over it all three of us!
this past week I was in and out severral times filling the car to go to the dump. Each time I'd leave he'd say bye bye after 5 trips in and out he looks at me and said the last bye bye with a question lilt at the end. He'd have enough of saying bye bye if it only ment I was coming back in that door!
tonight as i was getting ready to go upstairs. turning off the lights putting away my tea cup. I leaned over to his cage to say nite nite. We mumbled back and forth. He'd blow little kisses and sweetly say I love you. This silly little bird is just another one of my babies!
Last night someone stopped by that I'd not seen in many months. A young woman who just got through a divorce. she's got a 3 year old son to bring up and just lost her job 3 months ago. Things are rough but she is positive. she'll be ok.
We were talking in the living room and she was tellimg me different trials she's been through but she's over coming them, As we were talking I'd make some small supporting comment like O your doing good. Or thats a great thing your doing.
Paulie was quietly mumbling in the background and after a while we both realized what he was saying.
Each time she told me something and I would say something supportive paulie would say "O my god" He had the right tone and inflection to cover what ever it would be. If it was sad he said it softly if it was funny he'd say it with a little laugh. He'd pick up on what we were saying and match our tones!
that bird just cracks me up. We had a good laugh over it all three of us!
this past week I was in and out severral times filling the car to go to the dump. Each time I'd leave he'd say bye bye after 5 trips in and out he looks at me and said the last bye bye with a question lilt at the end. He'd have enough of saying bye bye if it only ment I was coming back in that door!
tonight as i was getting ready to go upstairs. turning off the lights putting away my tea cup. I leaned over to his cage to say nite nite. We mumbled back and forth. He'd blow little kisses and sweetly say I love you. This silly little bird is just another one of my babies!
Topic: RE: Never Though I'd See This Day Again
Maureen, we have been over this time and time need to see a counselor who specializes in eating disorders and maybe even food addictions. Is it possible that you are bipolar? Have you ever had any psychological testing? There is NO shame in this. Get yourself psychologicially checked out. Find out the reason for the behavior....not what YOU think the reason is, but what a professional thinks it is. Stop beating yourself up and get help. You deserve to be happy and healthy...both physically and mentally. Just take care of yourself.