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on 11/4/09 5:56 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Topic: More Medical Anecdotes
I feel off my horse, Laela, about 5 weeks ago - my fault, not hers, I was feeling ****y and asked her to do something stupid and she refused. She was a very good girl and just stood there when I hit the ground, though. Had she bolted, I would not writing this to you all... at any rate, my back hurt worse and worse as the days and weeks went by so finally went to the doctor, who took some xrays - I have some major degeneration of the spinal chord going on, and loss of bone. The doctor said it looks as if my body is eating the bone - he told me to triple my intake of calcium. Here's the kicker: I've been diagnosed with scerliosis of the spine - my spine is curved like an S-hook. He said it has probably been like that since I was a kid - no one has ever diagnosed this or even commented on my posture, other than the old familiar, "sit up straight!" No wonder my horse tracks to the left or right when i'm trying to ride her on a straight line. The scerliosis is something I've had for many years apparently; but the bone loss and degeneration of the spinal chord is definitely related to calcium deficiency. I've taken my vitamins religiously - never missed a day - since my surgery. There are quite a few of us on the Board alone with back issues - I sure wish Connie would check in and give us an update - and Marilyn, what's going on with your back issues? I keep thinking God never gives us more than we can handle ... Maureen
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
on 11/4/09 5:41 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Topic: RE: The Full Bar
Hi sweetie, when is your puppy coming home? I think it tastes pretty good, its got a texture similar to those Rice Krispy Treats but not anywhere near as sweet. There are different varieties - I bought a box of Cocoa Chip bars, 6 in a box and the box cost around $5.49 at WalMart. The nutrition stats are: 160 calories, 3g fat, 0g trans fat; 0mg cholesterol; 95mg sodium; 31g carbs; 4g dietary fiber; 13g sugars; 4g protein. The instructions say: 30 minutes before your meal, eat a Fullbar with 8oz glass of water, then "... feel full, eat less, yet be satisfied!" Developed by Michael A. Snyder, MD, FACS, Bariatric Surgeon. Like I said, I don't feel a strong sense of restriction, I don't even feel full - it just takes the edge off of my insatiable hunger, but not for a long period of time. I find this variety to be quite tasty. If anyone else tries these, let us know what you think - Maureen
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
on 11/4/09 4:47 am
Topic: RE: The Full Bar
Hmm never heard of it...hows it taste? any good?....Im curious though about the feeling full or restricted part...cause I was told no to drnk with my meals it will flu**** out, but from what you wrote Im getting the impression drink water with it? Dunno, but might be a nutritous snack for me...let me know how it it expensive? might give it a try if its good. Thanks..........

ps got a pic of my new Hair on my profile Reenie...but I need a closer shot...its shoooooooort and dark..not sure if I like it or not just yet, I had Bill shoot the pic this weekend up Atlantic city.

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe"  ----"Anatole France"

"Joyously grasp the ties that bind you, for they lead straight to the heart"---"Wm."


on 11/4/09 12:44 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Topic: The Full Bar
Folks, Walmart is now carrying the "Full Bar" - have you heard about this product? Supposedly developed by a WL surgeon with the theory that this bar when eaten with 8oz. of water will provide the same feeling of restriction that the surgery did initially. I bought a box and have tried this twice so far - does seem to curb the apetite but I wouldn't say I feel any strong sense of restriction. Still, the bar is quite nutritious, 160 calories and very tasty - just thought I'd pass this along. It's nearly noon and I haven't had candy yet today - a major miracle!!! Horray for me! Your Reenie
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
on 11/3/09 11:48 pm
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Topic: RE: A voice from the past
Howdie Pardner!!   Aw, Mike, are you ever a sight for sore eyes! I think about you all of the time... our journeys continue to parallel each other's except I really do have an addiction to some foods, sweets make me insane in my head... but I will NOT give up, the day I give up is the day they are sprinkling holy water on my grave - or flinging it at my urn! I am with you though - I can absolutely eat anything without consequence and mostly in any quantity, although oddly the restriction I feel is different every day - sometimes, the restriction is quite obvious, mostly I am given carte blanch to eat whatever and in whatever quantity without any consequence at all. And I am still a bona fide emotional eater, have concluded that I always will be - if it hurts in my head or my heart or my soul - I will eat to make it all feel better... which, of course, never works! Seeing your shining face brought back those memories of walking the hospital corridor together with our med pumps taking along - and our spouses wondering what the hell??? Here we are, going on 6 years later... I don't have any answers either, Mike - but you will always have my friendship and support. Be well, my friend - and I'll pay you $50 bucks if you can get Connie back to this Board! Love ya, Maureen
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
on 11/3/09 5:28 pm - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
Topic: RE: A voice from the past
Hi Mikey!
We're all in the same boat!
All of us are trying to do the best that we can.
I look to the friends that Ihave who had the surgery a year or 2 before i did and they are the same way.
What encourages me is that the 3 of them while they have gained 20 to 30 pounds each have kept it at that gain. they've not gained all of their weight back.
it took work alot of work for them to keep it right there.
i've come to the realization that i'm gonna have to work very hard to keep my gain at that point.
truthfully i dont know if i'm strong enough but what the heck i'll try.
good luck and god bless, pammy
on 11/3/09 12:08 pm - Guilford, CT
Topic: A voice from the past
Hi All;

While I haven't posted here in quite a while, I do still look in on the board occasionally. I'm glad to see that some familiar faces are still here and that the board is still active (no thanks to me). I'm sorry that I'm not making a contribution, and I make no excuses. I'm busy as hell these days, but I could probably find time to post, but I'm afraid that I'm fairly discouraged these days and I don't  feel that I can find the words of encouragement to help others. I look at myself these days and I see :

The Good.... I still weigh over 100 lbs. less than I did pre-surgery.
The Bad......  I weigh over 40 lbs. more than my low point.
The Ugly.......I can and will eat just about anything with no consequences.(other than weight gain)

Except for the fact that I am physically unable to put away the sheer volume of food that I once did, I find myself wondering if my surgeon just cut me open and sewed me back up. HA HA Mike......just kidding.....we really didn't  do a gastric was just "Placebo Surgery"!!
From what I'm reading here, It seems that many of you are struggling with the same issues that I am. I have lots of questions and no answers at this stage.

Anyway.....I just wanted to check in and say hi and I'm still alive and trying to shovel *#&^ against the tide!!

Be well, my friends.....

on 11/3/09 9:28 am - HOSCHTON, GA
Topic: RE: New Photo of Pup
She is beautiful!! I said, I'd never get another pet because I didn't want to love another pet. It hurts too bad when they die.Jean has a black and white Boston Terr. and she is sweet, but she is Jeffrey's baby. She is 6 years old and weighs about 17 pounds. She loves him to dead. But they got a brown Boston Terr. a couple of months ago and I have fell in love with her. She looks more like a Boxer bulldog and she weighs about 29 pounds. When I go to see her she goes crazy!! She will jump on me and lick me all over the face and hair. Jean got the broom after her yesterday because she said Coco was going going to hurt me. There is nothing like the love of a pet!! Enjoy your new baby.  Love ya, Judy

God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. Today is very imporant, because I'm exchaning a day of my life for it.

on 11/2/09 11:39 pm
Topic: RE: New Photo of Pup
She is getting prettier by the day....

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe"  ----"Anatole France"

"Joyously grasp the ties that bind you, for they lead straight to the heart"---"Wm."


on 11/2/09 10:45 pm
Topic: RE: Va Is My Hero!
Connie...Im so glad you ae feeling some relief now, take care of yourself, Ive missed you!

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe"  ----"Anatole France"

"Joyously grasp the ties that bind you, for they lead straight to the heart"---"Wm."


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