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on 11/9/09 7:18 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Topic: RE: new baby..
Awww, Kim that is so wonderful? We're getting ready! Just bought a crate for crate training; I've never done that but people say they feel much more safe and secure in a crate. I picked up her first little puppy chew toy today - felt like an expectant mom shopping for a bassinet!! Our little fur baby comes home on Friday! Jim is picking her up at the airport on his way home from work - I'm gearing up for a sleepless weekend but I just - can't - wait - to - feel - her - wiggling - in - my - arms!!! Can't wait to see a new photo of your girl - what's her name again??? Maureen
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
on 11/9/09 6:58 am - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
Topic: RE: new baby..
what kind of pup did you get?
my little pomerian Charlie is getting old. she's always been fragile and now she is getting hard of hearing plus her eyes aren't what they use to be. makes me sad to see her acting like an old lady.
i call her my old girl. she is still a love and boy she knws the meaning of cookie and bye bye!
on 11/9/09 6:15 am
Topic: new baby..
 What do you think Im crazy... new baby=pup.....She is here...soon as I get a pic updated I'll show you the latest of her ( 8 weeks old), ....boy is she such a sweety and seems to be very smart...but misses her brothers an sisters...poooor baby...guess I'll have to spoil her!  Get ready Rennie...yours is coming soon!

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe"  ----"Anatole France"

"Joyously grasp the ties that bind you, for they lead straight to the heart"---"Wm."


on 11/9/09 12:19 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Topic: RE: A voice from the past
Hi Marilyn, here's a hug  -- it's good to see you ... Maureen
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
on 11/9/09 12:18 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Topic: RE: A voice from the past
Hi Mike, I am so happy to see you posting again! With regard to the stoma issue, I am seeing my regular PCP tomorrow and requesting a barium swallow - this test will determine how fast the food or liquid is leaving the pouch; the faster it leaves, the more severely the stoma is opened. There isn't a doubt in my mind that this is what is going on with me. When I saw Dr. Aranow, he totally dismissed me, saying "If that were the case, you would be my first system failure..." I couldn't believe it - here I am, a patient seeking his counsel and all he could think about was his reputation. I don't consider what's going on a "system failure" at all - I consider it a consequence of where I'm at post-surgery. And if he ain't gonna help me I'm moving on. A gal on the CT surgery site, Tammy (who posted here recently, she's a doll!) has steered me toward a surgeon in Hartford, I can't remember his name, Rafapopolous or something like that - but I had a talk with his patient coordinator, a really good talk and told her everything that was going on with me and she said to get the barium swallow test done first and then we will schedule an appt. with the surgeon. My concern more than anything is that the food is not staying in my system long enough for my body to absorb the nutrients I need to stay healthy. So this is my plan - in the meantime, I will continue my daily struggle and press on - and Judy, YOU are my inspiration in that regard! You never, ever give up!!! Mike, I will not go back to Aranow. I need to take care of me and my health. You do what you need to do as well! The very best thing you can do right now is get the support you need while you are searching for your answers. All is not lost!!! We're here for you, the few of us that remain active on the Board - and I will always meet you at Middlesex for a SG meeting - any time, just let me know. Take care, my dear friend - Maureen
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
on 11/8/09 10:26 am - HOSCHTON, GA
Topic: RE: Show of Hands Please
1. No, I never feel like I'm really full, but I never did eat a whole lot at one time , I just sort of grazed all day and part of the night!
2. I have never dumped. I didn't eat sugar till Dec. of 2004, but sugar or nothing else brothers me.
3. Sometimes.  Every bite I put in my mouth I think about it. Some days I do good other days I do BAD all day.
4.No I don't work out.
6. More than 30 pounds
7. No I don't follow the rules
8. Yes, last year I had to have IV iron and l have low blood sugar some times.
9. To improve the uality of my life. It did improve for 2 years, but I'm back to where I was before surgery.
10.I still got the same wonderful people in my life I had before surgery.
I stay depressed most of the time because of the the weight gain. I start over every morning and try to do right.
I read  everything I can get my hands on about nutrition and what to eat. I'm an expert on it!! but I don't do it.

Oh well, tomorrow is a new day.

Love ya, Judy

God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. Today is very imporant, because I'm exchaning a day of my life for it.

on 11/8/09 7:27 am - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
Topic: RE: A voice from the past
Hey Mike, I just read your reply about Dr A. I felt the same way about how it seemed like he lost interest in talking with youonce you told him you were done with surgery t tucks things like that.
I had an issue that I went to him for last year. Due to abusing laxatives on a daily basis for over a month I set my low blood sugar off big time. I'd had a mild low blood sugar issues for over 15 years but never had anything major with it. if i got alittle hungry i'd sometimes get alittle shakey.
well my abuse set me off so that i was almost passing out. i was shaking so badly i could not stand. my face had temors and my head had pains in it like you woudl not belive. all due to the low blood sugar. i had to eat about every 20 minutes. ther eis nothign they can do for LBS with meds other than diet.
mine because i had been nuts with the lax. (don't bother yelling i've already heard it all from family docs and friends PLUS I will NEVER use a laxative again no matter if i've not gone in a million years!)
anywayssss i went to him and he set me up with his dietian. nice young skinny thing. went over everyrhign that was goign on. at that point I'd gained 10 pounds and was panicing aobut that
she put me on a 1200 cal a day diet. no way was that going to work when i had to eat every 20 mintues! so i said to her i dont' think that this is going to work and she sarcastically said to me "well you want to lose weight don't you"?
OK dokey! Not a smart thing to say to someone who had paniced over a slight gain so badly that they abused laxatives to lose.
so i tried what she gave me couldnt do it and went to a naturalist doc. WHO I LOVE!
I feel like she saved my life.
she sat with me talked with me for over an hour. she did more extensive blood work. she is awesome.
she also found athryoid problem that Dr A said wasn't anything to be concerned about. The naturalist sent me to an endocrolgist who did more extensive blood work.
now i'm on med for that thyroid and feel wonderful.
i eat small snack things every 2 to 3 hours. i dont' need to eat alot its waht i eat that is key.
and i'm starting to lose weight again. nothing major just a pound here and there but i feel good.
i also feel much better emotionally about the weight.
i'm realistic aobut my size.
i still look in the mirror and see me at the 300 pound mark when i am not that heavy. i just remind myself of that and off i go living my life.
hope all is well with you.
on 11/7/09 11:02 pm - Guilford, CT
Topic: RE: Show of Hands Please
Thanks Maureen, an interesting and thought-provoking post. Here's my take on the situation:

1.  I only feel pouch restriction occasionally.

2. My dumping consists of fatigue after too much sugar intake. In other words....mild to no dumping.

3.  Only sometimes

4.  My only exercise is walking and kayaking and swimming in season.

5.  See above

6.  More than 30 lbs.

7.  I do try to follow the pouch rules especially regarding liquid intake and proximity to eating. I never drink with meals for example.

8.  So far, (knocking wood) no medical issues as of my last full physical in May.

9.  All of the listed reasons.

10.  I feel that my personal relationships have improved. Despite my re-gain, I still like myself more than I previously did and this has translated into better relationships in general.

on 11/7/09 10:45 pm - Guilford, CT
Topic: RE: A voice from the past
Greetings My Friend and Partner in WLS!

I'm with you on the emotional eating. As I said to Marilyn, it's always been my drug of choice and I'm afraid that it always will be. I find it both strange and interesting that you seem to have the same reaction that I do. There are days where a relatively small quantity of food will make me feel almost "Puking Full", and other days where I can eat huge quantities and not even feel all that full. I just don't get it. What ever became of your visit to Aranow? You posted a while back that you might have a stretched stoma. I haven't been back to him for 2 years now due to the fact that I always feel that I'm totally wasting my time. He seemed to be more interested in getting me to see his dietician and look into tummy tucks than in keeping me healthy. I suppose that I should go back to him, but he really P^$%#D me off the last time I went there. If you get any insight into this stretched stoma issue, I'd really like to hear about it. Thanks as always for your friendship and take care and keep fighting.

on 11/7/09 10:30 pm - Guilford, CT
Topic: RE: A voice from the past
Hi Marilyn;

I'm glad to see that you are still here and still well. Like you, I seem to indulge in stress eating. It's always been my drug of choice and I guess that will never change. I just hope that I can get it a bit better under control. Take care and stay well.

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