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I get my B12 from GNC. I use their brand of sub-lingual tablets. I take one 1000mcg tablet daily . So far, (Knocking Wood Loudly and Firmly) my bloodwork has been good. Hope this helps.
Somethings I absorb well.
I'm doing very good I feel I owe it all to my ND along with the endo. They took the extra steps that I needed.
Im amazaed at how my thyroid wasn't that bad level wise it was in the "normal" range. But it was explained to me that normal isn't normal for everybody. Seems like for me normal isn't right. Of course my kids will tell anyone that! With the meds for that I'm doing fantastic.
I'm lucky in that I do not have the food flowing through as quickly as you do. If I eat soft things like soup it doens't last for me but my protein dense foods last the 2 hours that I need them to.
I still can not eat alot so I know my pouch isn't stretched too badly. I'm thankful and I know I'm lucky for that. Its not anything that I did that made mine stay its just luck I think. Or maybe how our bodies each are as different as eacch person is.
I take a sublingal under the tongue B12 daily.
Liquid yumy like orange cream calcium from the ND
Liquid nasty tasting D from the ND.
Mega vitamins from the ND these things are like horse tablets Ihave to take them with apple sauce. Due to me being allergic to anitibiotics and penicillian I am on a extra vitamins to boost my emuim system.
Chewable vitamins from the ND she does not feel that fllintsones is giving me what I need hummmm wonder if thats why my levels are so good NOW....just sayin...
good luck an god bless to all.
I think you and I will be battling the food demons for the rest of our lives along with posting here!
Take care my friend
"Also known as cobalamin, vitamin B12 is a part of the b vitamin family which helps to keep the body in good shape. Foods such as meat, eggs, fish and live have adequate levels of vitamin B12. Even though a small amount of B12 is required by the body it should be taken daily. Without the help of the intrinsic factor in the stomach vitamin B12 can’t be taken in by the body. Even though it is possible to get too much of B12 in your daily consumption it won’t cause any problems in your body since only half of it is absorbed by the body. Vitamin B12 can also be reused by the human body.
How Does Vitamin B12 Help the Body
There are four areas where vitamin B12 benefit’s the human body:
1. Vitamin B12 is essential to helping the body convert carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy.
2. Vitamin B12 can help prevent heart disease by helping to keep red blood cells healthy.
3. Vitamin B12 helps the white blood cells which as a result helps prevent disease through a healthy immune system.
4. Vitamin B12 is required to form a protective shield around nerve cells which is especially important in the brain. If there is an absence of B12 and this protective shield isn’t maintained then brain malfunction can occur.
Anemia can result if a person doesn’t have sufficient levels of vitamin B12 in their system. A lack of B12 causes a reduction in red blood cells which leads to anemia. Kids who are not fed properly will develop anemia. In addition, if a persons body doesn’t have a sufficient intrinsic factor to help B12 be absorbed by the body then anemia can result.
If a person is a vegetarian then they should take B12 supplements. To help babies grow in the womb, pregnant women should also take extra B12 supplements. The intrinsic factor in the body is decreased in people over fifty years of age so they may have problems absorbing large amounts of B12. For this reason people over fifty should consider B12 supplements so that they can reduce their chances of developing anemia and other health problems."
Mine was good. My family was all together and healthy. Mom is 89 and was feeling good. She gets tired and confused but did very well and was the first one ready to go shopping on Friday.
I had a sliver of pumpkin pie with a teaspoon of carvel ice cream cake. It was wonderful! But I stopped with just that sliver and teaspoon. I enjoyed every single taste of it and made it last. Even though everyone there knew that I need to stay away from the sweets and all that I've been through over the past year along with the surgery many years ago would say to me have alittle bit more.
I knew that they were not trying to sobatage me but that they wanted me to be happy and to have a good time. what they didn't realize is was that I was veyr happy with the tiny portion that I had.
I was thankful for getting my problems with sugar under control. I was thankful that I am now feeling so good and pretty much back to normal. I am thankful that I did not give up and kept at it until I found the doctors that could help me regain my health.
I'm also very thankful that each of my treasured family and friends were well.
I too like reenie am sad that our board has slowed down with postings. I thought about how busy my life is and how I do not come on daily or hourly like I use to.
Right from the start I've always checked into the other message boards but I've never given up with our Marchers...always come back to "home".
There are times when I might check in but don't have anything to offer or comment about so why waste time? hahaha
Connie if you are reading this we are all worried about you and hope you are doing ok. Do you still have my address? I'll send you a personal email with that. If you could just drop a quick like to let us know. As always you're in my prayers.
Good luck and god bless to all,
God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. Today is very imporant, because I'm exchaning a day of my life for it.
God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. Today is very imporant, because I'm exchaning a day of my life for it.