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Had the dogs out and they loved it...posted some pics on the profie taken about 3 hours ago...and its surposed to continue straight through we are going to get alot, hope they power stays on, its a heavy snow...I LOVE IT!!
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe" ----"Anatole France"
"Joyously grasp the ties that bind you, for they lead straight to the heart"---"Wm."
its suppose to start here in ct around 11ish the groton area is goign to get hit the worse. i've all most finished my shopping so i am prepared! plus i picked up the most important thing in case i am trapped in my home...toilet paper. hey i hve priorities
in my area 20 or more inches expected....Im sooo ready...let it SNOW!!!!!!!!!

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe" ----"Anatole France"
"Joyously grasp the ties that bind you, for they lead straight to the heart"---"Wm."
Hi Judy,
Boy I wish I was working with you today! sounds like you all where having such a great time.
this week is quiet at work for me. Alot of the businesses who advertyise with me are at their peak so they are too busy to talk to poor little old me. hahaha but i'm glad for them its been a rough couple of years. the ones who are still in business have to work extra hard to keep it going. but they are the ones who are doing something right!
i'mlooking forward to the holidays. my mom and sister will be down from NH mom is 90 and has some health issues. but she wants tocome here so here she will be!
my tree is up my presents are almost done the wrapping hasn't begun but we are suppose to get snow sat night and i'm sitting tight rght here wrapping. the boyfriend will visit up here this weekend he has 4 wheel drive i do not plus i' mterrified to drive in that stuff.
for my birthday he got me a beautiful daimond heart pendlant i love it it is so delicate and just sparkles like crazy. he was so proud of himself hahaha
i travel frequently on the other boards. i've done that right from the start of my surgery. its nice to keep in touch with allthe different people.
it seems that at different times the things that other boards are talking about are just what i'm interested in. i always come back here to check in with peole say hello and commnent on things that i have to comment on. if i dont' have anything to say well i dont'. hahaha guess its just like life in a way.
have a wonderful holiday i look forward to reading your postings!
good luck and god bless, pam
Since I'm going to be out of school maybe I'll check out the other boards and see what goes on , on them.
Y'all have a good night. Judy
God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. Today is very imporant, because I'm exchaning a day of my life for it.
From what I can see you pics looks nice...a tad dark but I can see it...nice!!!!
I just uploaded a bunch on my page if you want to see them...some are ok..and a new one of the pup is on there.
If I dont talk to you before Xmas have a WONDERFUL HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe" ----"Anatole France"
"Joyously grasp the ties that bind you, for they lead straight to the heart"---"Wm."
5 yrs ago.
Thought it was time I'd better check in & let you all know that I am still alive & kicking. Made it through my birthday week, way too much food as I ate out quite a bit. Good food, but, way too much of it. So am back to mostly protein this week. Wishes sent your way for Merry Christmas
& Happy new year!!! As for me, still unemployed, here's hoping that 2010 will bring work & much
happier times. I am not sorry to say good-bye to 2009. Still dealing with health issues, Blood pressure is not good & Dr. is working on that. Good news is I don't have to have back surgery, God took over & healed some of my back problems. Dr. could not find what he did 5 months ago.
Thankful for that, did not want back surgery. Anyways, still hangin on & sending hugsk, smiles &
prayers out to you for this Christmas Season. I'm not really MIA, you can find me on facebook,
Pammy know that. I'm stuck there. listed as Marilyn J Clifford, if you want to find me.
Hope you are all healthy & happy!!
It is sad to see that we have dropped so many of us who use to post daily or hourly! Yes we've all gone about our lives so its nice when people we've not heard from in a long time drop in and say hello.
ALL of us marchers are an important part of our board. ALL of us have worked hard to be right where we are. I say HURRAY for ALL of us.
I travel the other boards too, its nice to touch base and I enjoy reading the postings from the newbies. Takes me back many years.
So happy hoidays to everyone!
JUDY no SUGAR!!!!! tjat is fantastic!!!! Congratulations I know you'll continue to do a great job becasue you never give up! You are always upbeat even if your down you look at the silver lining and say I can do it and then you do! You are an inspiration to me as I know you are to many more.
KIM!!!!! Where do you get those adorable picture syou put on your name??? Thank you for being a regular! You too never give up and always have something nice and supportive to say.
REENIE! Keep up your wonderful work at letting us know the different things that can happen. Its a help when I go to my doctors I feel armed with power!
CONNIE!!!!! I know your out there somewhere. I know you might not be the same name but you were such a very big part of our board that I know your still stopping in now an dthen to check up on how we are all doing. So I know your reading this right now and saying geesh I wish she'd have put a story on about Paulie the wonder bird!
MARILYN!!!! See you on Face Book my friend!!!!!
Please do not be upset If I've missed anyone my age is showing along with memory lapses!!! No not from surgery! hahahhaha
happy holidays to all and to all a good weekend!
Anyway Im not going anywhere....

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe" ----"Anatole France"
"Joyously grasp the ties that bind you, for they lead straight to the heart"---"Wm."