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on 1/14/10 9:45 pm - HOSCHTON, GA
Topic: RE: Hi Everyone! It's been awhile!
Hey Elizabeth!! I've been worried about you!! It's good to hear from you!! I think all kinds of bad things when one of the Marchers don't post for a while. I pray for all of you that have been my best friends since  we had this surgery, because we are the only ones that can understand what the others are going through.  It's just so good that I can come here and be with y'all!  Love ya, Judy

God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. Today is very imporant, because I'm exchaning a day of my life for it.

on 1/14/10 9:39 pm - HOSCHTON, GA
Topic: RE: It's Old Home Week
THANK GOD, you're okay!  Well, you're not okay , but you're alive!!!!!  I have worried about you so much and prayed that you we okay!  I knew something bad was going on or you would have posted something.  So, I just want to say welcome home girl, we missed you!  Love ya, Judy

God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. Today is very imporant, because I'm exchaning a day of my life for it.

on 1/14/10 9:02 pm - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
Topic: RE: Hi Everyone! It's been awhile!
you knlow we all have our new addictions. isn't that odd? I kinow i have my new favorites.
i remember them saying it was something we needed to watch for the new additons. do you remember that reenie? at our suppoort group meetingts?

i'm typing fast cause i'm late for work so please excuse the errors.

i kne wto expect posible new addictions to shoppuing, sex, drinking, that kind of thing cause the food one was gone (after surgery) but now it seems like i don't have those additons the one i worry about is laxatives!!!!! No i've not used any since i had gotten so ill but theres not a day that goes by that i dont think about it!!!!

so while i might look at the huffing as being different so is the stupid laxatives!

I guess my question is could the huffing be an addiction as the laxatives?

on 1/14/10 8:52 pm - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
Topic: RE: It's Old Home Week
Its our new year, christmas and birthday wish granted all in one posting!!!!!!!!!!

its wonderful to see you here again!!!!!!!!

on 1/14/10 1:58 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Topic: RE: Hi Everyone! It's been awhile!
You know what, that's a good idea to post your question to the Main Board. There are some whack jobs over there but there are hundreds of people very active on a daiily basis and mostly these guys are very knowledgeable and want to help. The DSers are a mean bunch, very militant about their surgery - I have discovered the Block button is very useful! But there is wealth in numbers and in the case of the Main Board, because of the level of activity, you will always get some help and support in response to anything you post. Yep, the chocolate is still my demon - it's really a miracle I'm not over 200 lbs. again - yet. I think, Elizabeth, you should try to trace the absolute beginnings of the fumes addiction (I think the term is "huffing") - and really take a look at what was going on for you, holistically - physical/emotional/psychological - the Big Picture. Just examine your cir****tances at the onset, sort of like you're on the outside looking in - and see where that leads you. I looked at your new photos - your kids are gorgeous - I have some new ones too, take a peek. My puppy, Ollie (short for Olivia) is the Clown in my life, I absolutely adore her. Love you, Maureen
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
on 1/14/10 1:48 am
Topic: RE: Hi Everyone! It's been awhile!
yep it surely is the little gelly green pill. its big too! I had taken it before and my levels came up a bit but still not quite up to par. I think basically...and what I should have been doing all along and probably everyone else should to take the liquid vitamins. I use to take it the first year and never had any problems with my levels. it just tastes so GROSS!!! and I can smell the vitamins in the palm of my hands an hour later. Weird (snort). but I do! LOL! Its pricey about 30 bucks a big large bottle from the vitamin shoppe. I think I'll be picking it up and doing that. The smell thing is absolutely terrible. just thinking about it makes me crazy!!! gasoline... car exhaust is the BEST! 'sigh' its just terrible and getting worse. The more I think about the liquid vitamins as I type the more I think I'm going to stop and get some after work and pray it eases the need. Its a hundred thousand times worse of a need than when I SMOKED! But the thing is... Im surprised i haven't heard anyone here with the same symptoms and cravings as me being that there are so many deficient people here. Although...who'd admitt to that?? LOL>... I guess I could put up a post on the main board and ask if there are any others with similar cravings. I totally agree...not even the surgeons really truly know what the long term side effects will be...especially for each individual...because we are all so different. some absorb better than others...etc... I think if I stick with the liquid vitamins I'll probably be ok. if I actually do it faithfully!!! 'shudder' but its worth the ICK factor if it brings my levels back up. Right now I have a multi=vitamin chewable for adult women... but its lacking some vitamins. ok and i didnt do my protein shake for lunch. I went with veggie spinach stir fry instead. So then Ill just have my protein shake for dinner!!! :)  Then that will be ok... protein shake for breakfast and dinner and then a veggie stir fry lunch. Thats not too bad. lol. (If i hadn't sprinkled my veggies with some parmesean cheese that is) LOL... ah well. I need SOME kind of treat . ok actually i dont...   If only I can get to the place I was when I was 3 months out of surgery!!! OH the freedom of that time! freedom of NO SUGAR AT ALL!! remember those times when we ate NO sugar!!! not even substitute??? I do... it was so hard at first but after the 2nd month I was FREE!!! gosh to get there again! Right now I've been sneaking chocolate!!! been having it almost every day. Hershey kisses... or dove pieces... 'sigh' gotta get back to sugar free stuff. I gained 5 pounds from the holidays!!! awful.

yeah 6 years.. and I'm still fat. 'sigh'. i know i should be thankfull of the 115 pound loss and I am really...I've kept that off but still... to get the rest off... 'sigh'  so hard. Its good to see you again as well!!! anytime Im MIA shoot me an email anytime  :)  I also check my facebook email... but i havent been on there that much..the keyboard on my laptop at home is broken. I can only type with an on-screen keyboard and i have to click on each letter with my mouse. Takes forever just to say hello!!!!
on 1/13/10 11:25 pm
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Topic: Oh, My Heart!
Hearing from Ken and Kelley and Connie and Elizabeth has just filled me with such a feeling of happiness and family - welcome home everybody! 
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
on 1/13/10 10:38 pm
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Topic: RE: Hi Everyone! It's been awhile!
Hi Elizabeth, what a breath of fresh air you air... I'm so terribly sorry about your miscarraige, hugs to you. Take good care of you and that handsome hubby of yours. The smells thing has got me absolutely stumped. And curious so you know what that means for your Reenie - research, research, research! I'll let you know if I find anything out. I've become pretty active on the Main Board and have learned so much more about the complications from RNY for long-termers. The consensus is that even the WLS surgeons only scratch the surface in terms of the knowledge they possess about the long-term consequences of malabsorption. Please everyone, stay on top of your blood work - the important screening, for instance, for your calcium level is the PTH - this will determine if your body is leaching calcium from your bones. About your Vitamin D prescription - are you taking the once-a-week little green gel pill? If so, guess what - we only absorb about 10% of it! So it's not really doing anything to bring up your D levels. You need to take a sublingual or liquid form and at a pretty high dose - I'll have to go back and find that email from "Vitalady" in Seattle. Anyhoo, so good to see your beautiful face again - we're all in the home stretch of our 6 year mark - just unbelieveable, isn't it? Take care, sweetie. Maureen
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
on 1/13/10 10:11 pm
Topic: Hi Everyone! It's been awhile!
Hi guys and gals! 

It's been a long time since I've been on here. I just wanted to stop in and say hello. Happy New Year to you all. I'm hoping this New Year will be better than my last. Things have been going ok. Not so great since November. Had a miscarriage back in Nov and then was in and out of the hospital with pain and temperatures. Had an infection, then an enlarged intestine, anemic etc... but finally got better by the end of Christmas.

I still suffer from strange addiction to strong chemical smells, car exhaust, gasoline, markers, paint all the terrible and dangerous stuff. Its an awful feeling and the anxiety it creates is terrilbe. It's like struggling with a huffing addiction (have to fight so hard not to huff!!!) sometimes I slip. It's not the high its the SMELL!!! It literally will make my mouth water...the need to SMELL its scent gives me this terrible anxiety in my chest. So bizzare!!! I talked to my doctors till I"m blue in the face and they are perplexed. This all started 2 years ago when I was pregnant with my little girl. They said it was PICA, but the symptoms never left. I've read up on it on the internet, but not much is known about the exact cause. Definite mineral deficiency of some sort. Although I think it is more than an iron deficiency. Some think its a combination of minerals...zinc being the most predominant to cause those sort of cravings... and copper deficiency. Maybe I should just suck on pennies all day. LOL... 'sigh' it's very scary and frustrating. I'm taking prescription Vitamin D which my doc says she'll probably keep me on it forever. She is seeing more and more of her female patients (even ones who have not had wls) are deficient in D! and even on the over the counter supplements for D she said her patients are still showing D deficiencies. I am also on prescription B12. it's a nose spray that I take once a week. Its weird snorting B12. It's pink and fruity! lol... I take 2 iron pills a day... then will take one next week a day then 2 the following week each day... My doc decided to try that process to see if my iron will go up by doubling up every other week each day.

Weight...well still struggling there. haven't gotten it off, but been depressed and havent exercised and dieted much. I'm feeling better though so I started my protein shakes today. I think that will also help with the mineral deficienies as well. I usually always feel better when I do my protein shakes. 

I hope everyone is doing well, its always a struggle for us all...but as long as we hang in there and support each other once in awhile or even just check in...every bit helps :)  ((Hugs everyone!))

Elizabeth M
on 1/13/10 9:46 pm
Topic: RE: It's Old Home Week


So glad to see you!... I'm speechless as well...

had to take a moment ... I'm soooooo sorry!!! My God in heaven what you are going through woman! It's just not fair all this mess is happening to such an awesome person. You're so lively and full of life inside. You always sparkle and make us all smile when you here. Darnit you should be enjoying life and your new bod and running around having a ball to match your wonderful personality. It's just not fair! God willing...I'm praying over and over that all this will pass and you will start to heal!! The blackouts sound sooo scary Connie, I couldn't imagine how you felt afterwards, talk about terrifying!! I'm constantly fighting anemia as well, but luckily it hasn't been too dangerously low lately. I do know that I have other mineral deficiencies. I am still having bizzare unnatural cravings for gasoline fumes, markers, paint...anything with a strong chemical scent. Its like being addicted to drugs. The anxiety I have for the need to smell these things is terrible. I've talked to my doc about it and she thought it was iron...but I've been taking my supplements and still have the terrible cravings. I read a little more and have heard its probably more a combination of deficiencies, zinc, iron, b12, d... which I am deficient in all the above, but not as bad as I was before since I'm on prescription supplements for like...forever my doc says. No one mentions that this surgery could cause not only a deficiency but a need to take medically prescribed amts of vitamins for probably the remainder of our lives. Gosh but my issues so pale in comparison to what you are going through. I'm so glad your surgery has helped and that you can feel again w/your hands. Hopefully those docs will eventually get you better! Hang in there and get lots of rest and know we are all praying for you. Love and Hugs!!!

Elizabeth M

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