A WOW Factor Reunion
Yikes! A week from tomorrow I am flying to Michigan for my (gulp!) 30th reunion from my undergraduate alma marter, Central Michigan University. This is actually the 1st reunion for the group of people that graduated from the theatre department at any time during the 1970s. Yes, you read that right - the 1970s - flared bell-bottoms, fringe vests, peace, love, and polyester. One of my college roommates, whom I have not seen in 28 years, is picking me up at the airport! I grew up with these people. Literally. The guy I lost my virginity to will be there. One of my favorite professors, who is now in his late 70s, will be there. I will be performing in a musical revue with a bunch of these folks - none of us have seen each other in nearly 30 years! Needless to say, I'm double-dutying my situps and trying so, so, so hard to get a little weight off before I get on that plane! I just want to feel good about myself. I don't want to feel bloated and disappointed that I can't stay away from the crap. Think good thoughts for me, ok? Speaking of which, I'm thinking about Kim and hoping... praying... that everything is ok - Maureen