New Thought-What do I do with It?

your right reenie.
i'm keeping away from my scale. i think it mocks me. come here pammy step up onto the shiney panel pammy it won' thurt a bit.
it lies.
everyday would be the same thing.
i day dream about when i once wore a size 6 ahhhhhh i still have that pair of pants. i wore them the first night i finally had to see my ex after almost 10 years. it was for a dinner before the big wedding day of my older son. i wanted to get that first meeting over with before the wedding. it was tramatic for me. but you know what? the thinking an anticipation of it was worsr than the actual meeting.
the last time he saw me i was red faced and half on the floor sobbing in a too tight size 26.
this time i was happy wearing a size 6 looking svelt and trim. he on the other hand looked like he was in his late 60's instead of early 50's and was bigger at least weighing in about 350 never been trim in his whole life. what hair he had left was white.
now that was a good night!
so i have good feelings about my size 6 e4ven though i only wore that for a couple of months.
the size 8 was gone soon after that.
the size 10 stayed around for a few years. im dpwn to just 2 pairs of 10's that still fit but that stupid muffin top is growing.
its the size 12 and 14 i'm not thrilled with.
i refuse to try on a size 16 thats my last hold out.
i feel like custer and the indians are winning the war.
But on the up side i'm feeling pretty good health wise.
this stupid LBS has me eating like a pig and that drive me nuts.
i had this years ago which is anothe reason why i weighed so much. yo know i talked to Dr A about his but it wasn't suppose to be an issue. OH well i did create th extent that it is at by my abusing laxatives daily and starving myself to boot. live and learn!
i have to push myself to excersize. i don't wanna!
i want to sit at night and relax!
but if i don't get my butt out there i'm only going to make myself worse.
i did walk for a few days...
i am self sabotaging.
tomorrow! (cause tonight the man is coming over for dinner) i am walking even if its only for 5 minutes even if it is raining i am ging to walk!
wooooo hoooooo
just like the dunkin commericals
Thee is much truth here Reenie, but we must be careful not to use this as an excuse to throw in the towel. Most of us are perfectionists. If we can't diet perfectly, why try. If we slip up and eat a bite of chocolate, we give up and eat the whole cake (or bag of M&Ms). We may not be able to attain and maintain size 0 status without 100% obsession. That is reality. And that is not a price I am willing to pay. BUT, I can maintain a healthy middle of the road weight by using common sense, and breaking free of unhealthy carb addictions and binging. I can feel good, and feel good about myself. And I can focus the remaining 98% of my attention on living.
Just my take...