Hi guys, hope all is well in your worlds. I've gotten myself into a deep rut that has me baffled - don't know how it happened, just creeped up on me along with old age! I dash out of my house for the 45 minute drive to my office and I'm settled in front of my computer by - get this - between 7-7:30 a.m. (office hours don't officially start until 8:30). I hit the ground running, attending to everything I didn't get done yesterday and before I know it, it's 3pm and I haven't moved from my office except to grab my lunch out of the fridge (usually a salad). I wor****il 5pm and by the time I'm driving home, my eyes are closing at the wheel because I'm so exhausted. Two years ago, NOTHING would have kept me from my workout on my lunch hour. Now I barely get one in a week. Certainly on some level this must be serving a purpose - leaving the house as early as possibly to run away from my problems; otherwise, just in a bad bad habit of not moving my body at all anymore. What is everyone else doing for exercise? How do you keep it a priority in your very busy lives? Just wanted to share - I feel poopy!! M.
Hi Reenie...just logged on and am totally exhausted ..yeah should be in bed but I know once I lay down Ill be wide awake...anyway...what was I going to say I went blank...damn I hate this cant think of anything to say...I feel for you Im sorry I cant think and dont know why I tried to respond...youlll be ok hang in there and think one day at a time...Ill write you later when I can think straight...but your in my thoughts.
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe" ----"Anatole France"
"Joyously grasp the ties that bind you, for they lead straight to the heart"---"Wm."
I swear Reenie we are on the same wave length.
i can not get off my butt to excersize and right now I have to I need to the doc wants me to but let me tell you I'm thrilled that it has rained so much lately! it gives me one excuse to add with the rest.\
I started walking at night 2 weeks ago the last time i did that was friday then it rained. Thank you sky.
I did help my BF mow his lawn this past weekend that was a good workout cause I elected to do the push mower due to my fears of that big riding mower. its too big! his yard is too hilly and has ruts in it. I had a mental picture of tipping over and being chopped to pieces. Decided that his yard isn't that big that I coudl do the push mower along the edges. I was a workout and I did offere to do it again. He kept stopping when he'd drive past me on that noisy hunk of mental to ask if I wanted to switch. NO WAY I did one lap around his yard on it and told him LOOK I HAVE A CONDO SO I DON'T HAVE TO RIDE THESE THINGS! Wheres the helmet?? Wheres the seatbelts??
anywho excersize and I do not mix. I'm still holding between 170 to 182 but I hate it when the scale goes to 182 and i dont' seeeee 182 I see 282!!!!!
I do feel better when I walk. I do want to get to the gym again. right now I dont' have it in me to do.
I barely have it in me to go get my nails done and I love getting my nails done.
oh well. it will happen we need not to beat ourselves up over it that just adds more stress to the brownies. Opps not a good thing to use huh? lets just say its good for us. like dunkin donuts we kin do it!
i can not get off my butt to excersize and right now I have to I need to the doc wants me to but let me tell you I'm thrilled that it has rained so much lately! it gives me one excuse to add with the rest.\
I started walking at night 2 weeks ago the last time i did that was friday then it rained. Thank you sky.
I did help my BF mow his lawn this past weekend that was a good workout cause I elected to do the push mower due to my fears of that big riding mower. its too big! his yard is too hilly and has ruts in it. I had a mental picture of tipping over and being chopped to pieces. Decided that his yard isn't that big that I coudl do the push mower along the edges. I was a workout and I did offere to do it again. He kept stopping when he'd drive past me on that noisy hunk of mental to ask if I wanted to switch. NO WAY I did one lap around his yard on it and told him LOOK I HAVE A CONDO SO I DON'T HAVE TO RIDE THESE THINGS! Wheres the helmet?? Wheres the seatbelts??
anywho excersize and I do not mix. I'm still holding between 170 to 182 but I hate it when the scale goes to 182 and i dont' seeeee 182 I see 282!!!!!
I do feel better when I walk. I do want to get to the gym again. right now I dont' have it in me to do.
I barely have it in me to go get my nails done and I love getting my nails done.
oh well. it will happen we need not to beat ourselves up over it that just adds more stress to the brownies. Opps not a good thing to use huh? lets just say its good for us. like dunkin donuts we kin do it!
You are so funny ... I think so much of this has to do with HABIT! It's that simple. I have developed a HABIT of getting to work at a rediculous hour, working straight through my lunch hour and up until closing time, without taking 5 minutes for myself away from my desk and computer. This HABIT has a hold on me. So I have to break the habit and replace it with a new habit that is much better for me! I have to get back to a solid work out, one hour every day, on my lunch hour. I certainly don't need a PhD to see the correlation between slacking on exercise and my weight regain. Duh!!! Oh well - tomorrow is another day - have a good one, Pam. M.
Ya Know what Reenie, Even though I have lost 25 lbs since Feburary, my exercise has
been very non-existant lately as well. I feel so much better (Back & all) when I get out & walk, but, just have not felt like doing it!! I wish I had answers for you, because, it
would help me understand why I don't do it!! I can't balme it on the weather out here, as it has been great & now hitting 100's this week. I could walk at night or early morning, just haven't felt like it & don't havea clue why.
been very non-existant lately as well. I feel so much better (Back & all) when I get out & walk, but, just have not felt like doing it!! I wish I had answers for you, because, it
would help me understand why I don't do it!! I can't balme it on the weather out here, as it has been great & now hitting 100's this week. I could walk at night or early morning, just haven't felt like it & don't havea clue why.

Ok, just back from my walk! I didn't even change out of my work clothes, took my dress and my casual shoes out the door and headed for the water - what I used to consider the greatest perk of my job; about 1/2 mile down, and a 1/2 mile back up steep include and tons of steps to get back to my building. So I got a good 40 minutes of huffing and puffing in. How 'bout you??? M.