Im sorry I keep posting but it helps me so bear with me...yesterday was a much better day, Bill was alert and looking 100% better then the day before, color was good and he was talking with me. They are still trying to get his BP at a low level and stable...they are weaning him off of he IVs and trying to get him on oral meds only. The doctor says everything is going in the right direction thank God...I do believe the prayers are being answered. He had another little incident with the kidneys but doctor said not to worry he is doing ok now again...but I still worry. One thing that is excellent news...the tear isnt quit as bad as they first thought...it didnt quite reach the caratoid artery which is vey good news, I can breath again. His pressure as of late last night when I called before bed was alittle elevated but they were going to give him more IV meds , I think they were trying to wean him too fast off it so they are adding some more back but nurse didnt seem overly concerned. Im calling them at 10 am after the morning rounds to see how he is and will be there allday when Im allowed...but so far Im feeling some relief. Thank you all for the prayers I do really in my heart think that they are helping him...Im not overly religous but I do believe. I havent been to church in about 20 years but today I am going to say a special thank you...and thank you all for your prayers I do really appreciate them more then you know.
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe" ----"Anatole France"
"Joyously grasp the ties that bind you, for they lead straight to the heart"---"Wm."