Feeling Good!

on 4/16/09 8:47 pm - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
Well I'm feeling more and more like my old self. I still have times during the day when I don't feel quite right but for the most part my mental state is 75% of the time like it use to be. Meaning that when I should get alittle sick I dont' go having an anxiety attack which I've found out can be part of this whole mess. Everyones symptoms can be different for me when I would start feeling like the blood sugar was dropping I'd not only get that nasty feeling of it dropping I'd also go into an anxiety attack! Then if it was a quick drop that I needed to eat something sweet fast (haven't had one of those in a while thank you very much) after I'd eat the sweet thing like oj I would dump. Oh Great add it to the list of fun!
So then from dumping my body would go back into a low blood sugar attack - repeat the oj - repeat the dump and sooooo on. Get the picture? its no wonder I'd go into an anxiety attack!
I feel like I've been living a nightmare of not feeling good and didn't think I'd truthfully ever feel like my old self again.
While not 100% yet I am thrilled with the 75% and am looking forward to getting to 85%!!!!!
I'm still holding the weight at 179 to 180. Someday the scale will go down again. Right now with all that I have to eat I'm very very happy to not have gained! Over the past few LBS months I had gone up to 185. when I stepped on the scale and it told me that I cried. Strong emotions or excitedment can bring on LBS ok sooooo you get the picture! I got to the point where I only weighted myself once a week which is much more healthy emotionally.
I write everything down that I eat and how I feel at different times of the day. It has been a help to see what things trigger an attack. I'm eating right so that is what is helping make less attacks. My job is one where I get excited - if I make a big sale or win a prize at work I get all excited. This past week we were in a meeting with the big bosses and had a small contest I was the first to answer and got it right! won a prize! I was cool about it like everyone else we are adults so I did't jump up and down over the little prize I acted like we all do - like it was no big deal. hahaha but inside I' mlike woooooo Hoooooo! Of course then I could feel the LBS starting to drop but I was prepared! I had my snack bar with me and started to calmly open it and nibble. Plus I did my breathing excersizes and no one knew that inside I was working so hard controling the LBS plus keeping the anxiety away. I did it! whew.
So these little things are working. I still need to get more rest and am working on that. I have a hard time saying no to going places but after work now I'm keeping it at a minimun and learning how to relax and enjoy that relaxing.
Thank you dear lord for helping me to be stronger and get better.
Good luck all and god bless, pammy
on 4/17/09 12:19 am, edited 4/17/09 12:21 am
YEAH for you Pammie....sounds like you are getting things under control and doing well and finally feeling somewhat better..Im so glad to read this....keep it up and every day should get better! 

I Myself have had another pretty hectic nondrama free week...my son who has been doing well lately got jumped by some lowlife idiots as leaving work Wednesday night... we spent half the night in the ER...his eye is all nasty looking with marks all down the side of his face..cuts on back of his head and a fractured nose...my poor boy...he will be ok, nothing permanent thank God... the swelling is just letting up, but his whole side of his face and eye looks terrible,,,they must of had something in their hand when they hit him. I
 filed a police report but they said they didnt see it and since I didnt have all the kids names who did it ,if and or I should say when I do ( Ill find out who they are), I can file with the comissioner and it will only be 2nd degree assault...our word against theirs...I swear it never ends...
On a good note....tonight is my daughters senior Prom...and she is going to be one gorgeous young lady!!!! She got a beautiful long medium/dark turquious shimmery like dress with like golden straps and it is really pretty and the color just sets her off. She will look like a Godess!
Pray she comes home safe and has a wonderful time!

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe"  ----"Anatole France"

"Joyously grasp the ties that bind you, for they lead straight to the heart"---"Wm."


on 4/17/09 9:13 am - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
I am so saddened to hear your son had such a awful thing happen to him. It makes me so angry that someone could be so cruel! all the time you hear this stuff on the news and it just makes me sick. how many peopl ehave to be put in pain or death for things to change? its awful. I use to think I had it bad when i was a kid and had to walk to school with a bully who use to just say hurtful things. man the things that kids have to put up with today is just terrible.
he's in my prayers.
Prom night! I bet your've got the camera all set to go! lots of pictures. I still have pictures from my junhior prom. it was so excitng to have gone. I was chunky back then and never thought i'd be invited. imagine my thrill when i was! my mom really got into it. she took me to a bridal shop and bought me the prettiest yellow dress with poofy sleeves. then she made an appoinmtnet and i got my hair all up inj curls god it was such fun! i think she paid more for that dress than she ever paid for my whole wardrope as a kid! maybe it was her enjoying the whole thing as much as i did.
when it was my daughters turn we went tlooking for dresses and had such a good time doing that. i didn't have alot of extra money because of my divorce and coud't really affore to buy one that always botherede me. she ended up borrowing one from a friend. let me tell you when it ws time for her wedding I bought that dress and i let her pick it out too. then I finally was at a point i my life where I could buy her that pretty dress. she looked beautiful in it. you know it would have been cheaper to have bought that prom dress all those years before! hahaha
tonight i'm relaxing at home listening to the silly birds. I'm going to watch some tv and relax maybe do a movie. tomorrow my boyfriend and i are going to a anniversary party then sunday i'm meeting wtih my yhoungest for a day of lunch and shopping. i dont' get to see him that much so its nice to get together with him whe ni can.
have a great weekend.
on 4/19/09 8:00 am - Glendale, AZ

Wow Kim, what a roller coaster for you.  I hope your son has healed up well and things are getting back on track for him.  I don't know whether it is worse for young men or young women.  I suppose they both have their ups an downs. 

Hope prom was fabulous for your daughter.  Can you post a picture of her in her beautiful dress?  I'd love to see her. 

Here's hoping that things strat to mellow out for all of us.


on 4/19/09 8:08 am - Glendale, AZ

I'm glad that you're starting to feel more and more like your old self.  What a scary time you've been through. 

I struggle with the scale.  It's a real demon for me.  When I start weighing myself, I'll find myself on that darned thing 4, 5, 6... times a day.  When I stay off, I find myself forgetting that I need to watch what I eat and the weight creeps up on me.  The scale is a wonderful tool, but I let it rule my life when I start weighing.  I need to find a way to not be so obsessive compulsive about it. 

Keep posting Pammy.  You bring a smile to my face when you write.  I rea your posts and feel like I know you because you are so genuine and rea in what you write.

Marilyn C.
on 4/20/09 12:08 am - Bullhead City, AZ
Hey Pammy
 Glad you are feeling so much better. We do learn by our old mistakes sometimes.
Take care & glad to see you still posting. Has anyone tried to call Reenie?
Marilyn C (Bearlady)

on 4/22/09 3:55 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
What I admire so much about your achievements, Pam, is that you did this all on your own for you and you alone. I'm glad that you're feeling so much better.
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