Dawg in the house!
Wow guys, I got a message about my five year anniversary and I couldn't believe it. I really have to wonder if I was still 500 hundred pounds if I would still be here.
Anyway, life if pretty damn good. The surgery last year for the sports hernia and the fistula kicked my ass to be honest. My workout had not been what they should have been nearing that point and then I got off track after. I have put on 50 pounds since my low, but I'm on my way back down again. My wife and I are running together and we have set a goal of running the PF Chang's Rock and Roll half marathon in Jan. of 2010.
I'm having shoulder surgery on 4/7/09 but if all goes as planned, it will be short and sweet. I plannning on doing a 5K on 4/26 and I will once again be involved in the Law Enforcement Torch Run on 5/6 where I hope to ride at least 50 miles on my bike.
My girls are getting big, and I thought of how my life has changed when on Sunday night, we went to the gym and practiced volleyball with the girls. That would not have occured five years ago, and that alone was enought of a reminder on why I did what I did.
Sorry for being MIA. Life with three busy girls, a busy wife and a busy me keep us all going. I hope you all are doing well and wish you the best.

So Very Glad you checked in & sounds like your hands & feet are busy as usual.
I am sure with all the running you have planned that 50 lbs will be dropping off in no time. Try & stay in touch more often. We do miss you around here!!
Happy #5 Anniversary to you & keep that family of yours happy as well.
Thank you all for the kind thoughts and the warm reception. I really wish I had more time, but it seems to be sliding faster then the economy. It is Tuesday today, right? Shoot, it is already Thursday.
Anyway, I'm having a decompression done on my right shoulder. It has occured because of a couple of factors, but back in the day when I was a young stud college football player, I spent a bit of time in the weight room and as a result am paying for it now 20 years later. If all goes well, I should be in an out of the surgery center and be on the road to recovery shortly after.
Bottom line on my weight gain has been working out. I lost more then 50% of my body weight in that I dropped over 260 pounds after surgery. I believe most of my sucess had to due with my workouts. When my mother-in-law took a turn for the worse, my workouts began to suffer and I put on about 20 pounds. Then I had the dreaded surgery last year and my workouts stopped. My eating hasn't really changed, but I have gained so I'm back at it in a big way, and have some fitness goals set. I may not get down the full 50, but I'm betting I get down within 10 pounds or so. Anyway, thanks again and I'll try to be better about stopping by and checking in.