Paulie the wonder bird & Charlie my sweetie pie pomerian
As most of you know I have a African Grey Parrot along with my other animals.
Recently I'd read about someone who had taught their parrot their name and address. The bird got lose and when he was found by police he wouldn't talk but when taken to a vet he told the vet his name and address and then was reunited with his owner! so I got it in my head that Paulie can learn his too!
Paulie loves to talk when I'm upstairs getting ready for work. we will say things up and down the stairs to each other. Its what they do in the wild with the rest of their flock. so he will make a whistle and i'll make it back. I'll say good morning down the stairs and he'll repeat it. Its a neat little morning game.
I had been singing the koo-a-barra song he got parts of it. H'ed sing koo-a-bird or koo-a-paulie to the tune but the best was when he was first trying the words out and would mispronounce them into koo-a-turd! it took a while for him to get his birdy tounge to work right!
Our last name is Cooper
This week he would repeat Paulie kookoo Paulie kookoo bird finally he got it! Now he won' tshut up! hahaha Thats all he says right now he's so proud of himself!
My little dog charlie has to take meds for her lungs daily. she does well and can live for a long time (please) with the meds. After she takes her pills I pet her and tell her what a good dog she is. I hear Paulie tellimg her that too!
I wonder what it is like in here when I leave for work. does that poor dog have to listen to her birdy brother saying Paulie Cooper over and over or does Paulie tell her charlies a good girl Good girl charlie or maybe paulie keeps asking the poor dog Charlie gotta go outside? Charlie gonna go bye bye? hahaha
Recently I'd read about someone who had taught their parrot their name and address. The bird got lose and when he was found by police he wouldn't talk but when taken to a vet he told the vet his name and address and then was reunited with his owner! so I got it in my head that Paulie can learn his too!
Paulie loves to talk when I'm upstairs getting ready for work. we will say things up and down the stairs to each other. Its what they do in the wild with the rest of their flock. so he will make a whistle and i'll make it back. I'll say good morning down the stairs and he'll repeat it. Its a neat little morning game.
I had been singing the koo-a-barra song he got parts of it. H'ed sing koo-a-bird or koo-a-paulie to the tune but the best was when he was first trying the words out and would mispronounce them into koo-a-turd! it took a while for him to get his birdy tounge to work right!
Our last name is Cooper
This week he would repeat Paulie kookoo Paulie kookoo bird finally he got it! Now he won' tshut up! hahaha Thats all he says right now he's so proud of himself!
My little dog charlie has to take meds for her lungs daily. she does well and can live for a long time (please) with the meds. After she takes her pills I pet her and tell her what a good dog she is. I hear Paulie tellimg her that too!
I wonder what it is like in here when I leave for work. does that poor dog have to listen to her birdy brother saying Paulie Cooper over and over or does Paulie tell her charlies a good girl Good girl charlie or maybe paulie keeps asking the poor dog Charlie gotta go outside? Charlie gonna go bye bye? hahaha

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe" ----"Anatole France"
"Joyously grasp the ties that bind you, for they lead straight to the heart"---"Wm."
you know i went and bought a little bitty camera that takes videos and still a cute thing. truthfully i got it just to take videos so i can join the video crowd on youtube hahaha so their parrots are cute but My parrot isbetter!!! hahaha
But for the life of me i can not figure out how to post the videos! my ssiter and motehr are visiting this weekend sis will be able to show me., so then watch out everyone will get messages to go to youtube or FB to see paulie the wonderbird in action!
i am sure he is much more boring than I make him out to be but i get such a kick out of that silly bird!
But for the life of me i can not figure out how to post the videos! my ssiter and motehr are visiting this weekend sis will be able to show me., so then watch out everyone will get messages to go to youtube or FB to see paulie the wonderbird in action!
i am sure he is much more boring than I make him out to be but i get such a kick out of that silly bird!