Happy Pills Again!!
Hi All
Went back to the new Doc today & have been put back on anti-depressants.
She was
already going to do that, before, I even brought it up. So I'm on Prozac
this time instead
of zoloft. She & the pharmacist think it will do better. I really like the
new Doc, after a couple of times now, I know a little more about how she
works & she LISTENS which
for me is the biggest part of trust with any new Doc. BP was better, but
thinks after some
of what I told her what stress, anxeity I have had awhile (she only got part
of it) thinks
as soon as the prozac gets working will help the bp too!! A good night sleep
will be nice
too. 4 hrs in the past 48 is not a really good thing for the brain fog.
Being Blond I can always blame it on that instead of an old thing. Hee, Hee.
Marilyn C (Bearlady)
Went back to the new Doc today & have been put back on anti-depressants.
She was
already going to do that, before, I even brought it up. So I'm on Prozac
this time instead
of zoloft. She & the pharmacist think it will do better. I really like the
new Doc, after a couple of times now, I know a little more about how she
works & she LISTENS which
for me is the biggest part of trust with any new Doc. BP was better, but
thinks after some
of what I told her what stress, anxeity I have had awhile (she only got part
of it) thinks
as soon as the prozac gets working will help the bp too!! A good night sleep
will be nice
too. 4 hrs in the past 48 is not a really good thing for the brain fog.
Being Blond I can always blame it on that instead of an old thing. Hee, Hee.
Marilyn C (Bearlady)

Just a little update, actually wrote that yesterday & forgot to post it here. Last night I slept 9 hrs & Tuesday is looking lots better than anything has in a couple of months. Along with the prozac, she also gave me a mild valium to take before bedtime. It worked better than anything else I have tried. She only got a short list of some of the crap I have dealth with for the past 6 months. She if knew the whole list I would probably have been put on lots more.
Have a great Tuesday!!
Marilyn C (Bearlady)
Have a great Tuesday!!
Marilyn C (Bearlady)

Oh Marilyn thats great...Im so glad you have a caring doctor who is helping you...one that listens, is one to keep....and boy you will feel sooo much better in a few weeks, take it from me Ive been on both meds in the past...and that prozac is a wonder drug...you will feel like a new woman shortly, just keep with it and give it time to kick in. It really seems like the move did you good....you seem to be taking care of you which I think is GREAT!...and YES being blonde does come in handy on occasion.. 
edited after your second post....Ive been trying to get my Doc to give me a very mild valium to take the edge off, the idiot gave me a sleeping pill...that I dont need I can sleep 24 hours...arggggg I tell you the son moved back home...daughter , trying to graduate a rough task every day...boy would a valium do good on occasion...CALGON TAKE ME AWAY!!!

edited after your second post....Ive been trying to get my Doc to give me a very mild valium to take the edge off, the idiot gave me a sleeping pill...that I dont need I can sleep 24 hours...arggggg I tell you the son moved back home...daughter , trying to graduate a rough task every day...boy would a valium do good on occasion...CALGON TAKE ME AWAY!!!
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe" ----"Anatole France"
"Joyously grasp the ties that bind you, for they lead straight to the heart"---"Wm."

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe" ----"Anatole France"
"Joyously grasp the ties that bind you, for they lead straight to the heart"---"Wm."