Homeopathic geesh i cant spell

on 2/9/09 10:03 am - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
today was the homeopathic doctor day.
the blood work is in and yup i'm that hypogloximic low blood sugar thingy.  Plus my vitamin D is lower than what it should be. Nothing major but it needs to be booster. so I have a liquid vitamin D booster thingy to add to my other homeopathic fun! my thyroid while isn't quite right isn't major. nothing that jumped out that said HEY this woman needs to be hospitalized right now!
its just going to take time to get me back to normal.
but i'm better.
its also hormonal, who knew? geesh!
i eat every 2 hours now thats stretdhed out and good.
ANd i need to stay away from glueton. GEESH I can't spell!Q working on all this is Fun!
on 2/9/09 1:06 pm
Wow...least it sounds like you caught it all early enugh so you can get everything back on track. Seems like that low D is happening to everyone...weird...Im taking the dry form of Vit D now ...wont know how its working till I get off my butt and get my blood drawn again...maybe if I remeber and not have my coffeee tomorrow monring I do it then...seems like I dont think about it till after my coffee then I cant do it argggggg. Hypoglocemic ( my spelling stinks too), Im almost sure I got that too but it didnt show up in my first bloodwork, but I have all the symptoms so Im treating myself, more frequent small meals, little carbs and I do carry those diabetic tabs in my purse so when it hits I pop one of those.  Anywayyyyy...glad you got things under control sounds like a good Doc you got there! I may have to find one myself, my general Doc...hmmmm well I think I know more then her, Ill leave it at that lol.....

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe"  ----"Anatole France"

"Joyously grasp the ties that bind you, for they lead straight to the heart"---"Wm."


on 2/9/09 9:06 pm - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
Kim the low blood sugar is nothing to play with. I know Reenie had done some research and found that it is affecting alot of us who have had the surgery.
For me I'd always had it just not as bad as it is right now. I brought it on by being very stupid. I abused laxatives daily, didn't eat more than 800 calories a day, and excersized to the extreme for me all because I was obcessed with losing the extra 15 pounds that I had gained since the surgery.
Now there is nothing wrong with wanting and trying to lose that weight but it has to be done correctly. I wasn't doing it right and I messed up my pancreaus along with stirring up the low blood sugar to the max. It has taken almost 5 months to get to the point where I'm at which isn't right but I can function good.
If i go longer than 2 hours without eating I get the shakes so bad my hands are not controlable with them. My legs get weak and shake too. I get confused and I ache. I aslo get cranky and am having an issue with being anxious. This isn't fun but its not too bad I eat and they will all calm down. If I wait to eat then I end up feeling sick to my stomach and much worse.
When it first happened I could not think and would get headaches migraine in intensity. I would dump along with it and add to it that my menopause went into over drive. My hands would be freezing even in a heated hot room my hands were freezing my friend touched them and was surprised at how cold they would get. I'd get a hot flash with frozen hands! so my face was right red but the rest of me was cold and pale.
The glcerine tablets that they told me to take would help the low blood sugar but would set off the dumping cause i got hyper sensitve to sugar and sweet things
To the point where I can't use artifical sweetners like sweet n low or that little yellowpackate slendar. My body thinks if I eat sweetness that is artifical then its time for a low blood sugar drop. Makes it rough cause all of the treats that are lo calorie have slendar in them. And if i want something sweet like fruit I have to be careful caues I'm not able due to the surger to process too much fresh fruit. Apples that I love with the peelings forget it gonna give me a tummy ache and set off the low blood sugar episode too! its all trial and error at this point I can tolarate 1/2 an apple with a stick of cheese or a tablespoon of peanut butter.
there is a sweetner out there that my doctor recommeds that has worked for me stivia not sure of the spelling.
O Also I'm off decaf coffee. there is a small amount of caffeine in decaf coffee and because of my sensitivity right now things that never bothered me in the past now bother me. that little bit of caffeine in decaf sets off the low blood sugar.
from what i'm told the low blood sugar gets set off when your adrenalije kicks in. the adrenaline gets used up quick if your upset, nervous, scared or excited when the adrenaline gets used up your body attack your muscles to get any that might be hiding there.
PLEASE keep in mind that I am not a doctor and this is what little bit I can explain! ahahaha PLUS this is me not what would happen or will happen to someone else who has low blood sugar.
But it is a real issue for people who have it.
So i like my new doctor she's given me some new homeopathic things that i think have helped. plus she explains things and dosn't rush me out the door. she listens. shes also available if I am scared and I call or if I send her an email. She also went and did the extra vitamin D test which my surgeon did not do that found it was low.
I really do believe that our surgeons are just surgeons who sometimes are tryijg to do more by having a dietician but there needs to be someone besides us who has the knowledge to help us with questions and issues that they are not capable of handling. this homeopathic was my first stop so far I am satisfied though I've never gone to one before.
We need to be our own advocates and if we dont find what we need from one doctor than we have to keep hunting o find the one that works for us.
wow are you still reading? hahaha
I'm off this week so my fingers have more time to type!
take care and god bles, pam
on 2/9/09 10:55 pm
Yep i was still reading... so... splenda can trigger blood sugar. HUH! That makes sense to me. Sometimes...weird but...i will have my decaf coffee (Which also might trigger it from what i read I'll keep a close watch on myself) but sometimes when I have my decaf coffe and splenda...sometimes...not all the time... i sorta dump. Its nothing big or drastic but i get the heart pounds and such. But it goes away quickly if I just stop drinking. It's rare when it happens as i drink my decaf every morning and usually am fine, but now I know that it could be the blood sugar thing!!!!  I love my splenda but also with the splenda... i KNOW it causes me to crave things. If I dont have decaf w/splenda or any other drink with splenda, I notice I dont get hungry as much. It would be soooooo difficult for me to cut the splenda though.  love the stuff!
on 2/10/09 9:02 am - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
i like my sweetness too. I really enjoyed splenda I thought it was oki to use. if you read all the diet jellos and puddings all ave the splenda in them. for me i cna't use them anymore. but the doctor told me to try something called stiva - not sure of spelling i will get the correct spelling to you tomorrow.
In fact I picked up a sample at my heath food store. its not like spenlda or the other artifical sweetners so it doens't trigger the low blood sugar stuff. I tried it and it was good. it didn't bother me at all.
i use to drink 5 to 6 of those little yellow packates with my decaf coffee. i can't totaly give up my decaf coffee. i'm goign to treat myself to one on a sunday but i'l luse the stiva instead.
i tried the caffreine free which is differnt than decaf teas. caffenine free means that it doen't have tea in  it. those  werid teas. they aren't 1/2 bad. they do not taste like my teatley but what i did find was tht i wans't getting palpitations in my heart when i'm using the weird teas!
geesh who knew?
my typing sucks tonight its time to get the nails cut down tomorrow is mani & pedi day!
i'm off this week and am enjoying doing all kinds of fun thingsl
i went shopping today to the coolest bird store! i wanted to p;ick up a new friend for my babies but unfortuantely right now the way the ecohomy is it really isn't right to spend money on another bird. specailly the one that i want! soooooo no new family members!
i did pick up the coolest tshirt! it has apicture of an african grey just like paulie the wonder bird and on it in print it says.....I Can Talk, Can You fly? hahaha isn't that awesomne??? my daughter says your not wearing that in public are you? hahaha i guess its a bird thing,.
on 2/10/09 10:36 am
hahaha... that's funny! The shirt! LOL... I always wanted an african grey. 'sigh' but instead i have a pissy cat that pees on everything as soon as you turn your back. yay. LOL... Stevia. Its called stevia. I've heard of it before, actually i heard of it like 4 years ago perhaps even more, when they were first testing it and such. When it first came out they said it was super uber sweet...to the point of it being bitter almost. So it didn't sell well... then i hadn't heard anything more about it...now I keep hearing about it again. I keep meaning to try it out. I wonder if it will keep me from getting the hunger cravings. I know splenda really kicks my hunger into overdrive. As soon as I have that decaf coffee with that splenda i get really hungry. Doing good tonight. I had a crunchy fresca taco from taco bell that was 150 calories and bean fresco burrito that was 330 calories. So that was 480 calories for dinner. I had soup for lunch and a protein drink and 2 low fat turkey patties for breakfast. So I think calorie wise I did fairly well :)  I'm munching on some pumpkin seeds now and that will be it for me for today. Night time is always soooo hard for me. I may just splurge later and have a sugar free tasty cake. They are 100 calories. that would be 1000 to about 1200 calories for today. I'd venture to guess. I've been laying off the nails. I had nails for awhile then they kept breaking on me and causing me pain because I couldn't go every 2 weeks. So i took them off and OOOOUUUCCCHHH! My nails are still trying to recover and its been 4 months. They were so weak they would tear and my nails would constantly hurt and be cut to the quick becuase they were damaged. Since I write novels I just couldn't stand the nails any longer. They are finally to a point where they aren't hurting anymore and are starting to grow a little bit stronger. The bad part of the nail has finally almost grown completely out. sheesh. I'll stick with short nails and just buy nail polish again :) 
on 2/10/09 10:39 am
Oh but I'm still totally up for a pedicure!!! I HAVE to get in there, I haven't been in sooo long. the leg massage and the massage chairs and all that... oh man It's the best! 
on 2/10/09 8:20 pm - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
If I remember correctly you write science fiction? do you use your real name or do you have a writers name? I read alot of alittle of everything. from science fiction to romance to scarey but stephen king who i love scares me so much that i can't read his stuff alone. the crazy thing is one time your laughing like crazy when you read him the next sentence your scared stiff!
i'm a movie go'er too. love the movies. right now there are alot of good movies out there at least ones I want to see. my boyfriend wasn' tinto movies but now he likes them too. sometimes he falls asleep during one he ins't all that into but hey i don't care i'm happy! hahaha
this past week we went to see slumdog millinaire it was fantastic a very good film. then i went the other day to see "he's just not into you" i enjoyed that one alot too it was thoughtful and funny and if you'd gone through dating recently so very true! i think that the older i get the better i am about realziing that if they are interested they will make the effort. And if i'm interested its the same thing! if they ask for my number i refuse but say give me yours - then maybe i will call maybe i won't. hahaha
i love the nails but take them off for a few months every year to let mine grown out, they get damaged if you don't i have a good freind who hasn't been without nails for many years. i dread the thought of what is growning under them sometimes what you can't see doesn't mean that everything is ok.
many years ago i had my cosmetologist liscense. only used it for a coupl eof years then started having babies. when the kids grew up i'd never kept the liscense currant so went into office work then onto advertising. advertising is much more fun and profitable - so far that is - with the economy theres not a whole lot that is profitable!
I found that the stevia didn't give me an after taste and that it was sweet so i cut from my 5 to 6 packattes to one and it was just right.
i'm sure that in another few years that this stuff will be the next thing they tell us to stay away from!
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