Day # 8
Special K High Protein / Low Carb Cereal and 1% Mlk
Apple and 15 Almonds
Cottage and Strawberries
Atkins Protein Bar
4 oz Chicken and 1 cup salad
South snack pack - Cranberry/Almond - 140 calories
I'm eating 6 times a day and about 1200 calories a day. I've lost 8 pounds.
I feel good. I don't get hungury. This is supposed to keep my sugar from going high and low.
Thanks for all the support!!
NO pasta for Elizabeth and NO M&M's for Maureen!! Hang in there girls, we're in this together.
Pammy, I was trying to do the all protein diet, but after your problems, I decided to try this new thing I'm doing.
Connie, I'm waiting on you to check in.
Y'all have a good day. I'll check in tomorrow.
God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. Today is very imporant, because I'm exchaning a day of my life for it.
My biggest problem is that I abused laxatives everyday for a month. Which set my pre-existing low blood sugar issue into over drive. its taking me over 4 months now to get myself back to normal and when i don't do what i'm suppose to i have a bad day.
sunday was a bad day. i was doing wonderfully! for several weeks now i didn't have any problems at all. I felt fantastic like my old self and though O goodie I"m all better it went away.
HA! nope it wasn' tgone!
sunday i stayed at my boyfreinds 20 minutes away from my house. then had to run home to bring the dog home then i had to run up to pomfret which is 45 minutes away for a liions meeting. i had my breakfast but didn't have my good snacks.
then at the meeting the lady made this wonderful home made chicken noodle soup. in the car i had my roast beef but didn't want to call attnetion to myself by going and getting that so i had a small bowl of the soup. it was good but th enoodles i shoud't have had.
when i left their house my daughter called and wanted to meet me at the mall that was an hour away so i ran down there. i should have eaten my roast beef but i didn't i wasn't in a rush an not hungry so i forgot to eat.
got to the mall walked with her then got alittlehungry but had left the friggin roast beef in the car along with my atkins bar so i bought a salty pretzel. its a carb but i didn't have any protein with it. so it satisfied by but didn't last.
anywho i got home late after all the running around without eating correctly at the times that i should. so i had a nasty episode. legs shaking cold, confused.
i ate my things and about an hour later started to feel better but it gives you a hazy feeling for the rest of the night and into this morning. by lunch time with eating correctly i was feeling better.
tonight i'm doing great again.
sounds like what you are doing is the south beach.

B: 1/2 C. cottage cheese, modest portion of cantelope and blueberries
S: celery w/ PB
L: chef salad (I added edemame today - I love edemame!)
S: apple and 10 almonds
D: protein shake w/ yogurt, strawberries
Workout (I'm doing the stationary bike for my cardio now because my knee is shot - seeing the doctor about that on Thursday)
All my water and vitamins

Oh my gosh 8 pounds! Wow! Thats awesome!!! I ate too much last night. I dont know what does it. I do sooooooo good during the day then at night i screw it all up. Ok I had a little pasta 4 forks of it while I was feeding it to my little girl. 'sigh'. I had 2 meatballs too. 'sigh'. but that would've been OK but I had a small handful of almonds...then later I had pumpkin seeds....then much later... I ate a package of swiss rolls!!! OMG. it was 100 calories a roll. so 200 calories for the swiss rolls and SUGAR! 'sigh' why??? I dont know. I was craving soooo bad for something cakie and it was there. thanks GOD it was the last pack so i dont have anything cakie to eat now. I would've been OK If only i had my sugar free snack bars. Those are perfect for those cakie cravings. not tonight. I HAVE to be good tonight. ok... so for today:
2 small lowfat turkey patties & decaf peppermint green tea w/milk and splenda
Weigh****chers italian stromboli 299 calories and SOOOO yummy!!! yep. it was bready but not really... it has a strange almost...tortilla like breading... if you can picture the inside of bread but thin?? OH more like a rice like wrapping. I dont know hard to explain but its not normal bread. more like a wrap. anywhoo....
no snack only decaf peppermint green tea w/milk and splenda no snack because that stromboli was so filling it made me dump a little in terms of getting UBER sleepy!!!
dont know.
Judy, you are doing fantastic! I'm really proud of you!
Here's my bad posting for the week.
Breakfast was a McDonald's Sausage Biscuit with 1/2 the biscuit. I don't even want to know how much fat was in that.
Lunch was thin 2 slices of deli ham and 2 thin slices of deli turkey and 6 low fat Triscuits.
I don't know what dinner will be. I think I might follow Reenie's lead and make a Chef Salad.