Day at the ER

on 1/31/09 8:51 pm
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Yesterday I spent many hours at the emergency room of our local hospital; my issues began Friday night when I became extremely chilled, couldn't get warm with five blankets and my husband curled around me. Severe pain in my lower left abdomen. Thought I'd wait it out but not better Saturday so went to the ER. I have a very bad kidney infection with a large kidney stone. So I'm on a heavy duty antibiotic and some pain meds and I have to pass that stone or it could get serious. Has anyone ever had this before? While in the ER, I of course told them I had WLS in 2004 and I have to be very careful about what goes into my pouch. They listened but really didn't pay attention to what I was saying and they didn't have an immediate point of reference (like a web site) that would tell them what gastric bypass patients can or can't have in meds. They gave me something sublingual for the nasua and about an hour later my pouch was on fire, the same thing that happened to me in FL. I almost passed out it was so bad. I wonder really if I've done damage to the pouch because this pain is unbelievable. The ER's response to this? Morphine. They gave me two shots of morphine rather than seeing what was going on in there. I think this is something that has to happen in the WLS industry: medical doctors outside of that circle need to have immediate access to medications that can or can't be administered to post-ops. These fine people were concerned but otherwise clueless. Anyway, I'm feeling better today - and sorry guys, yes, it is Facebook that I got hooked into! Not My Space. Elizabeth, I'll try to look you up, would love to read your writings! Judy, you're doing GREAT! Good for you! Keep posting, know we're here for you and let us know what you need in terms of support to keep you going, my friend! Love to you guys, Maureen
on 1/31/09 10:23 pm - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with

While I've been very lucky not to have the problem that you do now with kidney stones and bladder infections my ex fiance had them so bad they were every few months. he had surgery for them and just about every treatment you can imagine from sonar in a tub of water to all kinds of medication.
sometime he would pass them which is very painful marueen i feel for what you are going through. and if it does pass you need to be on top of things with your docctor cause its very easy to get another infection from the passing.
his stones were tested to see what they were made up of to try to treat his repeated issues and they did tell him to stay away from dairy products and some other things I can't remember but he still got them regularly. it is down to one or twice a year.
there is a woman i work with who is goign through all of that right now. she's having a procedure done next week.
take care and good luck

on 2/1/09 12:33 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Thanks, Pammie. Hey, it sounds like the two of you remain friends, huh? That's a good thing, especially for him! I thought it was silly that I have to pee in a strainer to try and catch that stone when it's passed but after what you say here, I better take this seriously. They told me to be sure to bring it to my doctor - what causes a stone to pass, though? Is it the antibiotic I'm on? If not, how long will it take for this to happen? And how long has it been there? (See, I will never be a person who doesn't ask questions - I'm a seeker of information, what can I say???) The other thing I forgot to mention in my first post: the attending physician asked me if I had any "medical history that I should know about" and I told him, gastric bypass surgery in 2004; he looked very surprised and said, "Well, it looks as if you're doing very well!" (He was palpitating my tummy...) - it's nice to get those reminders of how far we've come!!! Thanks again, Pam. Maureen
on 2/1/09 5:21 am - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
Didn' tthat make you feel good that you had to tell him you had that surgery? Your normal in size now Reenie!
I know for me I look back at my smallest size and weight and feel like I"m so big and fat. I' mnot! Yes I've gained but hell I'm not 300 anymore and I'm happy.
Yes I want to loose some but I want to do it healthily and the right way. I think with the new doctor i've got I've got a better chance. I' mamazed at what the homepathic people can do. mine works with your doctors.
I cant wait to see what the extra blood test results are. My vitamin D, my thryoid, B12 all of those that looked like they were normal. She said that sometimes peopl elook at the normal and say ok your fine when it might not sure the results that the extra tests will do.
i'm feeliing so much better and i' mgoing to join the gym next week when I'm off for a full week without pay! my company is requireing that of each of its employees it makes it so that no one had to be laid off.
like with almost every business we have to take measures to continue operating well. i'll be able to collect unemployeement so it won' tbe as much as i normally make but i'll be able to pay my bills i still have ajob and healthcare those are the important things.
as for questions about what to expect i don't have any answers but listen to your doctor he'll be able to work it all out fo ryou. did you go on line and google it?
on 2/1/09 5:36 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
I can't wait for you to share your blood results as well! Of course, I'm a Googling fool...started researching right after your post. Guess what guys? Two major risk factors for developing kidney stones:  too much protein; weight loss surgery or any other intestinal surgery that compromises your system's ability to process nutrients. I have one of two types of stones: calcium or uric acid stones; the calcium stone grows because the body is not absorbing calcium properly; this makes sense because about 6 weeks ago I ran out of my petite calcium pills, which are supposed to be absorbed much better than the big pills. When I ran out I started taking the huge horse pill calcium tablet. Two plus Two Equals...
Thanks Pam! Yes, I read about your place of business and its plan to make it mandatory that every employee take a week off without pay - I pray that this is as bad as it gets for you there!!!
on 2/1/09 5:36 am - Anne Arundel County, MD

(( Reenie ))

I saw your post earlier when I was at the office and really didn't have time to reply, since I was there to be testing software not fooling around !!  lol ..

I am the queen of kidney stones .. I probably started having then in 2005 but it was a while before we figured out what the problem was ...the first few attacks I thought was 'gas' . and just was miserable until it passed.   Had a really serious attack in May 2007 .. KUB showed both kidneys packed with stones too large to pass .. had the first round of lithotripsy in June 2007 .. 2nd in October 2007 . then another attack in April 2008 with a 3rd round of litho in May 2008.  My urologist completely understands the WLS thing and is of the opinon that we may be managing my stones rather than preventing them.    I've been told to drink lemon juice . there is something in the lemon that keeps the calcium from forming stones ?   The nurse practioner wrote me orders for the 24 hr tinkle test, but I've never gone through with it.   I can't stay still long enough to pee in a jar for 24 hours  lol

I see the urologist once a year .. need to make my appointment for April .. and have my KUB and see how things are going.   If there are signs of stones forming again .. I'll be definitely doing the 24 hr pee test.  

The last time I had lithotripsy the recovery nurse gave me the low oxalate food plan . she was TOTALLY clueless about WLS .. I would starve on the low oxalate thing.... at least my doctor understands ..

I am pretty well able to tell the ER staff what I can and can't have when I have been there!   I get a pain killer that is tylenol based  that REALLY helps me .. though when it's bad . I'm takign 2 pills ever 4 hrs ..

Hope you get relief soon.

Hugs, Mo

Comparison is the thief of joy!

If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished.   Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago.   I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits!   Wherever you are in your journey  ... It's ALL good!!!

on 2/1/09 7:08 pm
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Oh yikes! What's KUB? Mo, have you ever known when you've passed a stone - do you know when it happens? I keep peeing in this flimsy cardboard strainer but nothing! I'm going to start crushing my calcium pill and just adding it to my shake. Thanks for this!! Maureen
on 2/1/09 8:05 pm - Anne Arundel County, MD
KUB is what they call the particular X-ray they do .. I think it's for Kidney, Urinary, Bladder
Since the stones were  diagnosed I've not passed any without lithotripsy and then they are like grains of sand.    I've got a collection of sturdy plastic strainers!

Hugs, Mo

Comparison is the thief of joy!

If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished.   Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago.   I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits!   Wherever you are in your journey  ... It's ALL good!!!

on 2/1/09 10:28 am - HOSCHTON, GA

Maureen, I'm so sorry you have kidney stones. I've never had them, but my sister has had them . They are a terrible thing . I pray you will soon be better.  Judy

God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. Today is very imporant, because I'm exchaning a day of my life for it.

on 2/1/09 7:08 pm
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Thanks, Judy. I hope your sister is doing better! Maureen
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