Day 2
Breakfast -
1 egg
packet of grits
1 ounce of low fat sausage
1/2 ounce shredded cheese
Lunch -
Chicken Fajita Pita with 1/2 if the pita
Total calories so far are 600
We're going to Applebee's for dinner so I can order off of the smaller portion or Weigh****cher's menu. No idea what I'll order.
Did the bike and was tortured at Physical Therapy this morning.
B - LF cheese stick w/ clementine (gosh, they're good, much tastier than M&Ms!)
S - celery w/ 1T peanut butter
L - small chef salad
S - Zone bar
D - my handy-dandy protein shake
Before bed - 1 cup steaming, delicious caffeine-free Green Tea with all those great antioxidants
It feels REALLY GOOD to be taking care of myself after so long of not doing so. My immediate goal is to simply get back in the 140s; and to increase my level of fitness and strength, to feel that surging through my body again. I want it BAD.
Connie, is it a professional production of The Lion King? You will be blown away by this musical - have a great time, wish I was going with you? Kim, how was Sophisticated Ladies???
Keep going, Buddies!!! We can do this!!!

Special K and 1% Milk
3 oz Tuna and 2 oz carrots
15 Almonds
1/2 container of Sugar Free Yogurt
1 cup of Homemade Beff and Veg soup
Oatmeal raisin Atkins Bar
62 oz of plain and flavored water
Eating the mini meals really helps.
God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. Today is very imporant, because I'm exchaning a day of my life for it.
I just weighed myself, I'm 154 - down 6 lbs. since I started this on Monday. I'm gonna play Scarlett O'Hara right now (picture the scene where she's shaking her fist at the heavens...) "As God is my witness, I will NEVER see 160 again!" (she says, "I will never go hungry again" - isn't that ironic???)
Let's keep going, Buddies - even if - especially if - you're having a hard time, POST! The true success in this exercise is TRYING and not giving up.
When the craving**** me, I say to myself, "I want THIS (feeling in control of my food rather than food controlling me, feeling stronger and fitter because I'm exercising), not THAT (feeling out of control of my food intake, feeling lazy and sluggish and sad and disoriented in the head because of the sugar). Say it to yourself: I WANT THIS (whatever your 'this' is) not THAT (whatever your 'that' is)
Love you guys,

i did bad today. Just rushed and not paying attention blah blah blah...
breakfast sandwich (It was a poor choice in grab and go)
8 bites of general tsos chicken. So bad. I didn't eat the fried rice and of course didn't finish the chicken but still real bad. I was in a meeting at lunch...didn't bring my protein and by the time i got out of the meeting the darned cafeteria was closed. I had ordered chineese as a last resort since the lady at work was ordering out. I should've jsut skipped it and had my coffee...but man I was hungry!!! that was from eating the bread this morning. sheesh. and stress.
protein shake. I'll skip dinner. That was the chineese chicken!!! ill have some pumpkin seeds as a snack. salty but yummy. That or celery sticks with a little light cream cheese.
anywhoo...tomorrow is another day! I'll try harder tomorrow. I was so unprepared!!!
I almost got the silver bullet last night but my husband was confused about it and didn't pick it up at wall mart. (moue) :(
Commisseratingly yours,