Connie's Guidelines for Connie
I'm posting some rules of engagement for me and me alone. I'm not asking anyone else to follow them, and I've changed my mind about rules for the board. I think Margo is right. If we have rules, that implies that someone has to moderate and someone has to enforce or police. I could see a set of rules causing more harm than good. So all I'm doing here is sharing with you all my code of conduct for my participation on this board and any other online group I come across. I'm not asking any of you to agree to this or police me on my behavior.
1. If I ask advice, I'm going to remember that I asked for someone's opinion and not argue with it. I can quietly take it or leave it, but it sets people up to fail if I ask their opinion and then criticize or question what they give me.
2. I'm going to presume good intent. If someone takes the time to respond to me, it's a safe bet that they mean well, no matter how it's phrased.
3. When I reply to a post, I need to remember that smiley faces aside, there is no inflection in my tone and my smile or grimace can't be seen. I may need to be very explicite about my intent or emotions when I reply to someone.
4. I will honor and respect our differences. I'm glad that there is no one like me because I can learn from others.
Namaste (Lots of translations, but my own is "The divine in me honors the divine in you" )
1. If I ask advice, I'm going to remember that I asked for someone's opinion and not argue with it. I can quietly take it or leave it, but it sets people up to fail if I ask their opinion and then criticize or question what they give me.
2. I'm going to presume good intent. If someone takes the time to respond to me, it's a safe bet that they mean well, no matter how it's phrased.
3. When I reply to a post, I need to remember that smiley faces aside, there is no inflection in my tone and my smile or grimace can't be seen. I may need to be very explicite about my intent or emotions when I reply to someone.
4. I will honor and respect our differences. I'm glad that there is no one like me because I can learn from others.
Namaste (Lots of translations, but my own is "The divine in me honors the divine in you" )
Namaste. (hands together...bows).
I'm with ya Connie. on all points. Just don't change the way you express yourself. I absolutely LOVE reading your posts. And I'm gonna tell you now...although I may have told you before...if you ever decide to write a Novel about anything, I'll be your number one fan. Minus the whole "Misery" thing.
You are so darned expressive in your writing. I love that...Namaste greeting/respect. It's absolutely true. We are all one and no matter what, we have to recognize the good in everyone best that we can because the light of God is within us all.
My personal rule is that I will try to make people feel good and happy, because whenever my time's how we make people feel that truly will matter.
I'm with ya Connie. on all points. Just don't change the way you express yourself. I absolutely LOVE reading your posts. And I'm gonna tell you now...although I may have told you before...if you ever decide to write a Novel about anything, I'll be your number one fan. Minus the whole "Misery" thing.

Thank You Connie!!
As always, you get right to the point and your logic is unassailable. I wish that there was some way to have your self-guidelines appear as "pop-up" on this and other similar message boards to remind us that we are all different and look at things differently. I agree that "Rules" are not a good idea, but we sometimes need a gentle reminder that we are different; our thought patterns are different; but we are all here for the same reasons.
As always, you get right to the point and your logic is unassailable. I wish that there was some way to have your self-guidelines appear as "pop-up" on this and other similar message boards to remind us that we are all different and look at things differently. I agree that "Rules" are not a good idea, but we sometimes need a gentle reminder that we are different; our thought patterns are different; but we are all here for the same reasons.
Namaste, dear friend. If I ever breed Laela I think I shall call her foal Namaste - it's a lovely word! And your post is welcomed and embraced by me as well; I will only add (for myself) that whenever I need clarification because my thick brain can't wrap itself around someone else's concept, theory, advice, whatever you want to call it ... I so hope to be able to ask questions without being perceived as antagonistic - gosh, I never intend to be that - never. And I will always welcome questions if someone doesn't get me or where I'm coming from. Good Intent. It's just a wonderful way to conduct myself here - I will always presume Good Intent. Peace, Maureen